roll the dice  /rnd  id:  3837111
Name roll the dice
Registered since 03/02/09
Headquarters  Germany
  2  Awards  
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Latest matches
  Counter-Strike 2on2 Pistols Only Ladder
wins   abc  + 18 Sunday, 24/07/11 15:22 7
loss   pistoleros  -27 Monday, 07/02/11 16:10 5
loss   s y k e n  -31 Thursday, 03/02/11 15:39 8
draws   sHaD0w-F!6hT3r5  -2 Wednesday, 02/02/11 15:52 8
wins   pls die kkthxbye  + 18 Tuesday, 01/02/11 17:47 10
wins   Carpe Diem  + 18 Tuesday, 25/01/11 17:55 10
wins   streberrr  + 27 Tuesday, 25/01/11 17:34 6
wins   2 Man Show  + 17 Sunday, 26/12/10 20:55 7
  Counter-Strike 2on2 MR15 Ladder
wins   energy star  + 24 Sunday, 24/07/11 14:46 9
loss   FinN n AmmoK  -25 Sunday, 24/07/11 14:17 7