L-FX 1999-2003   id:  470090
Name L-FX 1999-2003
Shorthandle l-fx
Registered since 31/03/03
Homepage http://www.l-fx.de.vu
IRC #lfx  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Luxembourg
IRC #lfx  (QuakeNet)
Join team
The clan was founded on the 1st october 1999 by Jager and Shark. The idea to set up a clan arose during a LAN-Event in Luxembourg when we realized that the luxembourgish Gaming Community was quite extensive. The clan gradually grew into one of the most popular clans of its country. Most of the members come from Luxembourg, but we don't confine us to a particular country. We don't play one specific game as well, the moods are changing in course of time and that's why we are open to many games. At the moment our favourite games are:

- Counterstrike (HLmod / www.counterstrike.net)

- Natural Selection (HLmod / www.natural-selection.org)

- Day of Defeat (HLmod / www.dodmod.com)

You can find us in our IRC channel #l-fx (quakenet)

Name: Status: Email: ICQ:
Gogo Player [email protected] 152013162
Targeter Player [email protected] 67948269
Sp1TFiR3 Player [email protected] 156916366
No0dle Player [email protected] 159960356
Nero Player [email protected] 165508709
Kilvan Player [email protected] 142198258
Razor Player [email protected] 160055035
Phreeze VIP [email protected] 38152612
SeVen Player [email protected] 146007200
ThePlayer Inactive Player [email protected] 14295524
Yoshi Player [email protected] 91430077
SH4RK Leader, Serveradmin [email protected] 135144344
JAGER Leader, Wartactics [email protected] 147627878
F0uRc3 AMXOrga [email protected] 169979398
Ir0nic Warorga, Webdesigner, Player [email protected] 104928035

Old Wars:

Datum Spiel Gegner Ergebnis Matchtype Details
30.04.2003 cs cal - 37-11 FW Details
27.04.2003 cs -=DEK=- - Dek 45:3 FW Details
27.04.2003 cs notag - #TeamTorxs 30:18 FW Details
26.04.2003 cs :: - #pays4 10:38 FW Details
26.04.2003 cs TeamSux - #Team-suxX 44:4 FW Details
25.04.2003 cs notag - Mixteam 35:13 FW Details
25.04.2003 cs [BoH] - boh 22:2 FW Details
21.04.2003 cs #dgh - Die Gesichtstätowierten Hafenarbeiter 46:2 Training Details
08.04.2003 cs sW - sW 12:38 FW Details
05.04.2003 cs BoW - #BoW-clan 34:2 FW Details
03.04.2003 cs [GOOX] - #GOOX 34:14 FW Details
02.04.2003 cs #dw.pt - Die Now 28:20 FW Details
31.03.2003 cs f4e - Freaks 4ever 40:8 FW Details
30.03.2003 cs #mytn - mortal team killer 20:18 FW Details
29.03.2003 cs Sb - Special Branch 21:3 Training Details
15.03.2003 cs nonick - Mixteam 25:6 FW Details
15.03.2003 cs [EH] - EH 20:10 FW Details
09.03.2003 cs #till-death - Till Death 26:22 FW Details
08.03.2003 cs eSGZ - eSGz.cs 22:2 FW Details
08.03.2003 cs izz | - izz 33:15 FW Details
03.03.2003 cs #e-shorts.united - e-sh0rts 10:14 FW Details
02.03.2003 cs [mixteam] - Mixteam 31:17 FW Details
21.02.2003 cs Odin - Odin-Clan 24:24 Training Details
25.02.2003 cs Hyper - Hyper 14:10 FW Details
21.02.2003 cs #mytn - Team Nightmare 37:33 Training Details
21.02.2003 cs BtDo - #Bastardo 18:1 FW Details