push ahead   id:  5319225
Name push ahead
Shorthandle gg*
Registered since 14/09/10
IRC #wirwarenhelden  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Germany
lux fy  and  outinato_R
IRC #wirwarenhelden  (QuakeNet)
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  CS:GO Open Ladder 2on2 Europe
wins   cocktailparty  + 42 Saturday, 29/10/16 16:04
wins   Challas  + 26 Saturday, 29/10/16 14:43
loss   Bämm ins Gesicht  -8 Wednesday, 26/10/16 17:39
loss   Bämm ins Gesicht  -9 Wednesday, 26/10/16 15:34
loss   onlygas  -20 Tuesday, 25/10/16 14:56
loss   Bämm ins Gesicht  -8 Tuesday, 25/10/16 12:37 1
wins   KINGS  + 31 Monday, 24/10/16 14:51
wins   _interpolate  + 28 Monday, 24/10/16 13:51
loss   SG  -6 Monday, 24/10/16 13:02
loss   einspielenxd  -26 Saturday, 22/10/16 19:22
find your own style - fuck the other

LuxBOTz LAN CSDM MOD: http://www.team-amaya.de/bots.html

- LAN CS1.6 Deathmatch with extremely improved Bots (EPS-LIKE AIM! Better CSDM movement!)
- FFA: Free For All (everybody vs everybody: REAL DEATHMATCH)
- 4 differnt skillconfigs
- Unlimited Ammo
- Shows a Headshot highscore at the end of the map
- Removed the 16.000$ limit
- Personalize your own individual dm_userconfig.cfg in your cstrike folder and change LXLDM how you want to
- HUD: Direct bullet damage display
- HUD: Streakcounter up till 100 Frags
- HUD: Spawnprotection display
- HUD: Weapon-Icon display
- optional: Headshot only mode -> amx_hsonly "1" <-
- optional: No falling damage mode -> my_falldamage "0-100" <-
- optional: CS Beta 5.2 movement (beta 0.2: maxspeed, bunnyhop, rollspeed)
- optional: Shows you your movementspeed and velocity -> "say /speed"
- optional: Jumpfrags! Damage an enemy by jumping on him from high points
- optional: Bullets trace lines of enemies
- optional: NoRecoil Mode for LuxBOTz/users
- Several improvements of newest CSDM (2.1.2k), PodBot(V3B20a) and AMX Mod X (1.8.1) have been made (including FPS tweaks)
- Doubled the amount of CSDM Spawns (60% new Spawns!!!)
- Working previsualisations of all supported maps
- Working BOT pre-Spawnprotection v5.0. Not even a ultra bot with preshots can kill you
- About 400 botnames
- More then 100 supported maps
- Automatic detection of FFA/CSDM maps (cs_maps, de_maps) and non FFA maps (aim_maps, fy_maps)
- Automatic detection for small maps or maps without walls for longer spawnprotection (de_erdnuss, aimtrain)
- Supported maps:
aaa_aim, aaa_arena, aaa_deagle, aimtrain, aim_00, aim_ak-colt-cyber, aim_ak-colt, aim_ak-colt2, aim_ak_colt, aim_aztec, aim_brucke, aim_dgl, aim_fixit, aim_freak, aim_gpa, aim_head2k, aim_map, aim_map2, aim_map_usp, aim_pistols, aim_roccat, aim_sk_ak_m4, aim_sk_aug_sig, aim_sk_awp, aim_sk_galil_famas, aim_sk_glock, aim_sk_usp_deagle, aim_wallbang, ak-47_map, as_alpine, as_evacuation, as_forest, as_oilrig, as_tundra, auffe_omme_v, awp_city, awp_map, awp_map_fair, awp_ruins, BRUSH_DUST2a, BRUSH_DUST2b, cs_747, cs_arabstreets, cs_assault, cs_assault2k, cs_backalley, cs_deathmatch, cs_estate, cs_havana, cs_hightower, cs_italy, cs_militia, cs_office, cs_siege, de_airstrip, de_aisle_esl, de_aztec, de_cbble, de_chateau, de_cpl_fire, de_cpl_mill, de_cpl_strike, de_dust, de_dust2, de_erdnuss, de_esl_autumn, de_forge, de_hell, de_inferno, de_jeepathon2k, de_nuke, de_piranesi, de_prodigy, de_rats, de_ratz, de_russka, de_storm, de_sunny, de_survivor, de_storage_b11, de_torn, de_train, de_tuscan, de_vegas, de_vertigo, es_jail, fy_baga, fy_buzzkill, fy_dustworld, fy_iceworld, fy_pool_day, fy_quark_esl, fy_simpsons, fy_snow, fy_spongebob, fy_stoneworld, glock_tok, scoutknifez, starwars, usp_map

© lux aka. Dominik Gaupties

-> "90 seconds of CSDM with the LuxBOTz package (V3.3a)":

-> "Deathmatch Botduel - LuxBOTz vs PODbots [Godlike]":

-> "How to install LuxBOTz (V3.3c)":