HardPush  2on2  id:  5602468
Name HardPush
Shorthandle HP
Registered since 19/01/11
Headquarters  Germany
Area/Region Zuhause
  8  Awards  
Honorary member
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Latest matches
  League of Legends 2on2 Weihnachten 2011
loss   LikeARob  0 Monday, 19/12/11 15:15 1
wins   Who Rain Zones  + 2 Monday, 19/12/11 14:30 2
wins   Bockwurst Party  + 2 Monday, 19/12/11 13:45 2
wins   paul&ich  + 2 Monday, 19/12/11 13:00 2
  League of Legends EU West 2on2 Old Ladder
wins   Achujeju!  + 13 Monday, 31/10/11 11:37 2
wins   cant stop trolling  + 8 Saturday, 01/10/11 14:00 2
wins   Impact  + 8 Friday, 30/09/11 14:20 2
wins   Equinox  + 6 Sunday, 11/09/11 13:03 2
wins   Pool6  + 11 Sunday, 11/09/11 11:57 2
wins   Easymode 2v2  + 8 Friday, 09/09/11 13:05 2