in memory of team.n2L   id:  5765014
Name in memory of team.n2L
Shorthandle n2L
Registered since 19/03/11
Headquarters  European Union
team.n2L aka Uprising.flavored

Elvin (M) - rzN (M) - Crykz (C) - Kivkav - ReaLL - TwiXz - SnakeX

...und Retro
  4  Awards  
  ReaLL & Crykz 
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Latest matches
  Germany Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 5on5 Opening S&D Cup
loss   team-AirborN  0 Monday, 19/12/11 14:00 0
wins   teAm.nRox  + 2 Monday, 12/12/11 14:00 0
wins   (bye)  Monday, 05/12/11 14:00 0
loss   team.infinite.COD  0 Monday, 28/11/11 14:00 0
  Germany Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 4on4 Opening Random Gen Cup
loss  0 Monday, 19/12/11 14:00 0
wins   (bye)  Monday, 12/12/11 14:00 0
loss   originalnicetry!  0 Monday, 05/12/11 14:00 0
wins   (bye)  Monday, 28/11/11 14:00 0
  Germany Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 4on4 Random Gen Ladder
wins   FTW - for team wAx  + 25 Monday, 21/11/11 14:00 0
  Europe Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 4on4 Random Gen Ladder
wins   LaG! LaGers Team  + 19 Monday, 14/11/11 14:00 0