BOB !  !  id:  5987849
Name BOB !
Shorthandle bob
Registered since 19/06/11
IRC  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Poland
Area/Region Poland
  1  Awards  
IRC  (QuakeNet)
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Latest matches
  Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Turniej jesienny
loss   THE RUN  0 Friday, 28/10/11 15:00 4
wins   (bye)  Wednesday, 26/10/11 15:00 0
  Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder
loss  -28 Tuesday, 20/09/11 14:45 10
wins   pingwin  + 14 Tuesday, 20/09/11 13:40 7
wins   United-Forces the game  + 28 Sunday, 18/09/11 15:00 14
wins   MEMORY OF GREAT STUFF  + 47 Sunday, 18/09/11 13:50 12
loss   WZITY SOSITY  -5 Sunday, 18/09/11 11:40 5
loss   ZARTY SIE SKONCZYLI  -25 Saturday, 17/09/11 18:00 12
wins   A.max  + 26 Saturday, 17/09/11 17:00 17
wins   Free pkt!  + 32 Saturday, 17/09/11 15:50 12