Faded Memories   id:  6104657
Name Faded Memories
Shorthandle FM
Registered since 31/07/11
Headquarters  Greece

  LoL 5on5 Superleague : 0 Minor, 3 Majors
13.01.12 1Major Penalty No-Show ( Match )
13.01.12 1Major Penalty No-Show ( Match )
24.12.11 1Major Penalty No-Show ( Match )
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Latest matches
  League of Legends Go4LoL Greece Cup #32 (Σάββατο 15.06.13)
loss   TeamSpirit  0 Saturday, 15/06/13 09:15
wins   Furious Killers  + 2 Saturday, 15/06/13 08:15
  League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #143 (Sun 26.05.13)
loss   Mixed Gaming  0 Sunday, 26/05/13 09:00
  League of Legends Go4LoL Greece Cup #29 (Σάββατο 25.05.13)
loss   TSIBOUKONE TON THEIO  0 Saturday, 25/05/13 08:15
  League of Legends EU Nordic & East Go4LoL Cup #142 (Sun 19.05.13)
loss   CzerwonyPociag  0 Sunday, 19/05/13 10:15
wins   Team Vipers  + 2 Sunday, 19/05/13 09:00
  League of Legends Go4LoL Greece Cup #28 (Σάββατο 18.05.13)
loss   Team Anatidaephobia  0 Saturday, 18/05/13 09:15
wins   Out Of Cotrol  + 2 Saturday, 18/05/13 08:15
  League of Legends 5on5 GreekBalkanLeagueQuals.
loss   Test Your Limits  0 Sunday, 02/09/12 14:00 2
wins   ELO Hell  + 3 Friday, 31/08/12 14:00 2
Faded Memories was created at Lineage 2 by a group of people, led by Billistain (aka Aecetia @ LoL). At first, it was something done just for fun. Then it slowly developped into a potentious clan that would eventually turn into a multi-gaming community, because of the different paths in gaming its members decided to follow after quiting L2, which was getting older and older, unable to compete against newer games.

Most of the clan's core members are currently playing League of Legends. However, some of them are not official members of the current team, even though they used to, but got replaced by others who were judged as more suitable for the team's success. Sub-teams are possibly going to be created in the near future.