Nightmare-Esports.BF3  Alpha  id:  6268728
Name Nightmare-Esports.BF3
Shorthandle NME
Registered since 10/10/11
Homepage http://www.nightmare-esports.d..
Subteam of Nightmare-GC.Mainteam
Headquarters  Germany
<|| Hauptspieltage ||>

Mittwoch 20-22Uhr
Sonntag 18-22Uhr

Forderungen ausserhalb oben genannter Zeiten werden nur nach vorheriger Absprache angenommen!


<|| main matchdays ||>

Wednesday 20-22h CET
Sunday 18-22h CET

Challenges beyond the above times will be accepted only by prior arrangement!
  2  Awards  
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Latest matches
  Battlefield 3 Squad Rush 4on4 Ladder
wins   Planktoon  + 11 Wednesday, 01/08/12 14:30 6
loss   zZ-eSports BF3  -22 Sunday, 29/07/12 15:30 1
wins   Projekt: PHÖNIX  + 14 Sunday, 29/07/12 13:30 4
wins   German Red Devilz  + 15 Thursday, 26/07/12 15:00 9
loss   gers  -34 Monday, 23/07/12 14:15 4
wins   GoldenPlayers  + 15 Sunday, 22/07/12 15:15 5
wins   TheSouls  + 15 Sunday, 22/07/12 14:45 8
wins   Funnybot  + 3 Sunday, 22/07/12 13:15 4
wins   German Red Devilz  + 17 Wednesday, 11/07/12 15:15 6
draws   SICK  -2 Sunday, 08/07/12 14:30 4