Forgotten-eSports  LoL  id:  6501122
Name Forgotten-eSports
Shorthandle |
Registered since 06/01/12
Homepage http://www.forgotten-esports.d..
Subteam of Forgotten-eSports
Headquarters  Germany
Area/Region Dortmund
  1  Awards  
Join team
Latest matches
  League of Legends EU West 5on5 Old Ladder
loss   Ye Olde Spicy  -23 Wednesday, 15/02/12 14:00 2
loss   SSF - ESL Platzhalter #06  -25 Tuesday, 31/01/12 14:10 6
wins   xSolution  + 25 Wednesday, 25/01/12 14:00 1
loss   NoVa  -23 Wednesday, 18/01/12 14:00 1
wins   DareDevils  + 25 Sunday, 15/01/12 14:00 0
► Homepage Link: Clanpage
► Socialnetwork Link: Facebook
► Contact: [email protected]


► Leauge of Legends ( LineUP )

fgtN.eSports zyny0 (Team Captain)
fgtN.eSports ActimelBear
fgtN.eSports sanctuSx
fgtN.eSports Schoepps
fgtN.eSports Jo Niro
fgtN.eSports Chilak