GangBB   id:  6585328
Name GangBB
Shorthandle GBB
Registered since 03/02/12
Homepage http://www.chladiacapodlozka.s..
Headquarters  Slovakia
Area/Region BB
  1  Awards  
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Latest matches
  Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder
loss   br3tt0ff  -17 Tuesday, 01/05/12 14:39 0
loss   hardstyle  -13 Tuesday, 01/05/12 13:59 3
wins   Wse ogonb Bratish  + 27 Tuesday, 01/05/12 10:36 6
loss   Qlimax Sports Club EU  -18 Tuesday, 01/05/12 10:01 2
loss   Eagle eYe  -25 Tuesday, 01/05/12 09:03 1
loss   locked and friends  -18 Sunday, 08/04/12 13:46 2
draws   crap Crew  + 5 Sunday, 25/03/12 12:28 5
loss   IEM Allstars Team  -17 Wednesday, 21/03/12 13:05 2
loss   Save The World  -2 Monday, 19/03/12 11:28 2
loss   Arcade  -14 Monday, 19/03/12 10:32 5