oberdicht   id:  699250
Name oberdicht
Shorthandle #oberdicht
Registered since 03/02/04
Homepage http://www.oberdicht.com
IRC #oberdicht  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Germany
  1  Awards  
IRC #oberdicht  (QuakeNet)
Join team

We always want to have fun, so there are some rules you should appreciate:

> no flaming
> always finish your match
> no cheats
> Server including CD or VAC and Soundcheck
> correct SteamIDs
> recording demo's

CS is just a game, so please obey the rules above and everything will be fine!


Gamer SteamIDs:
#oberdicht 9dots.de - g1z • 0:1:132339
#oberdicht 9dots.de - pewin • 0:1:39717
#oberdicht 9dots.de - rel • 0:0:402159

Wir berufen uns auf das MR12 Regelwerk

• MR12 Rulz