3on3   id:  7157496
Name 3on3
Shorthandle 3on3
Registered since 08/09/12
Headquarters  Faroe Islands
Wenn die richtigen 3 spielen gewinnen wir jedes Match!!!!111eins

ab jetzt nur noch loss weil voluce inaktiv ist
  1  Awards  
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Latest matches
  Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 3on3 Ladder
loss   umpressen  -27 Friday, 05/10/12 10:53 1
loss   echo effect  -11 Friday, 05/10/12 10:12 4
loss   easy  -21 Friday, 05/10/12 09:34 2
wins   endstation 3on3  + 16 Friday, 05/10/12 07:13 2
loss   echo effect  -13 Thursday, 04/10/12 06:59 2
wins   GANGAM STYLE  + 14 Wednesday, 03/10/12 12:37 2
loss   out of control  -22 Wednesday, 03/10/12 11:53 3
wins   next  + 20 Sunday, 30/09/12 17:22 4
wins   Los(s) Wochos eSport  + 6 Saturday, 29/09/12 09:02 5
loss   mix it with the best ...  -24 Saturday, 29/09/12 08:19 2