deadly_bullett  dB.csgo  id:  7816830
Name deadly_bullett
Shorthandle dB|
Registered since 01/07/13
Headquarters  Poland
  1  Awards  
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Latest matches
  CS:GO Open Ladder 2on2 AWP Europe
wins   KellerKinder v2  + 16 Wednesday, 22/07/15 16:40 2
wins   FrozenEyes2v2  + 20 Monday, 20/07/15 13:10 2
  CS:GO Open Ladder 2on2 AIM Europe
wins   GlobalDoBo GmbH  + 16 Monday, 20/07/15 16:15 2
wins   The King and his Gypsy  + 22 Monday, 20/07/15 15:52 3
wins   The KONG brothers.  + 15 Monday, 20/07/15 15:36 2
wins   Train is all  + 22 Monday, 20/07/15 15:19 2
wins   GlobalDoBo GmbH  + 25 Monday, 20/07/15 15:05 2
loss   --  -21 Monday, 20/07/15 14:31 6
loss   PULL DIE DOCH NICH DU  -27 Monday, 20/07/15 14:05 3
wins   The KONG brothers.  + 21 Monday, 20/07/15 09:45 2