Force Renegades-pr0grams   id:  977387
Name Force Renegades-pr0grams
Shorthandle FoR
Registered since 28/10/04
Subteam of Force Renegades
Headquarters  Poland
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Nobody is perfect but we are pretty fucking close
and we are here to give you all a heavy heavenly dose
We think you'd better listen 'cos we know who you are
and we think that you should treat us like a superstars
because we are more than just a humans we are a gifts to all of you
and we are here to make sure that our message gets through
We wonder if you're really all as dumb as you look
or are you smart enough to learn the rules in our book
We hope you understand that the knowledge We bring
puts us in the position of a gods or a kings
'cos We are blessed with the gift of the magic touch
and we wouldn't say that we are asking FoR to much
all you have to do is get down on your knees and pray
and We promise you the remedy is on its way
but you can never be like us so don't waste your time
because we reign supreme and our position is divine

Peace out