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  Team ALTERNATE   id:  836927
For a 10-year membership in the ESL
4,2340% all teams (show)
given on date 11/06/14
For 250 played matches in the ESL
0,0805% all teams (show)
given on date 28/05/13
For 10 victories in a row in a league Ger ESL Pro Series Season 15 Counter-Strike 5on5
1,1779% all teams (show)
given on date 09/11/09
For 50 won matches in the ESL
0,8616% all teams (show)
given on date 12/03/07
1st Place EPS VIII Germany - Counter-Strike 5on5
0,0001% all teams (show)
given on date 11/01/07
1st Place EPS X Germany - Counter-Strike 5on5
0,0001% all teams (show)
given on date 26/07/07
1st Place EPS XI Germany - Counter-Strike 5on5
0,0002% all teams (show)
given on date 25/04/08
New award progress
Following graphs show when the following awards are given. The data is updated once a day.
100% For a 15-year membership in the ESL
84% For 250 won matches in the ESL
80% For 5 cup attendances
56% For 500 played matches in the ESL
56% For 25 won cup matches
10% For 10 victories in a row in a league