Rating Plus39NeverDie .- PES TEAM

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Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 Clanwar Ladder
created from rating comment match
03.02.09 nightForce Detail

Pro Evolution Soccer 2009 Clanwar Old Ladder
created from rating comment match
28.11.08 PeK e-Sports PES2010 gg Detail
27.11.08 Searching for multigaming Detail
24.11.08 in memory of nF Detail

Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 Clanwar Ladder
created from rating comment match
17.06.08 in memory of Alt3r3g0 Cl4n Detail
26.05.08 lolpp gg Detail
14.05.08 myRevenge e.V. PES ES Detail
17.03.08 LgK Multigaming Detail
25.02.08 Nice EU Team gg Detail

Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 Clanwar Ladder
created from rating comment match
04.02.08 LgK Ex Aequo Detail

Pro Evolution Soccer 6 Clanwar Ladder
created from rating comment match
17.10.07 nomercy Gamers Detail
08.10.07 Inferno eSports Detail
01.10.07 D-Link PGS . PES Detail
16.07.07 Warriors.Clan Detail
21.05.07 No Fanatics - CLOSED - fair and strong players .... Detail
17.05.07 ex Warriors - gtg LgK Detail
09.05.07 ex Warriors - gtg LgK Detail
09.04.07 Old_PES_TEAM Detail
19.03.07 Mystics Gaming gg ++ Detail
15.03.07 Game-Unit Detail
07.02.07 Inferno eSports Detail
30.01.07 Belgium.pes Detail
30.01.07 Team Koloniekinder Detail
25.01.07 Bibbifa Clan GG Detail
24.01.07 Nextlevel e-Sports Club PES 6 sol are very goods players, bye friends. Detail
19.01.07 Legionnaire.pes Detail
17.01.07 Invicto Team Detail
17.01.07 Replay Plus Detail
15.01.07 Bibbifa Clan abbiamo aspettato le ore per giocare... Mirco ottimo player, gg Detail
08.01.07 King of KingZ.PES Bad connections =( Detail
08.01.07 Fun - Pro Evolution Soccer good game Detail
22.12.06 nomercy Gamers Detail
05.12.06 Team Koloniekinder gg Detail

Pro Evolution Soccer 6 Clanwar Ladder
created from rating comment match
24.09.07 LgK Multigaming Detail
02.07.07 The SoUtH LiOnS Detail
02.07.07 ClanDestino scimmie Detail
28.06.07 Warriors.Clan Detail
04.06.07 nomercy Gamers Detail
11.05.07 In memory of Mystics Gaming ok io ci sono Detail
07.05.07 ex Warriors - gtg LgK Detail
03.05.07 pesse06 come al solito positivissimi :D Detail
21.04.07 In memory of Mystics Gaming bella, vi confermate i migliori ;) alla prox Detail
12.04.07 PesMania Clan Detail
05.04.07 Refreshers Avversari di ottimo livello! :-) Detail
27.02.07 Game-Unit Detail
26.01.07 pesse06 gg Detail
25.01.07 In memory of Quadrifoglio Detail
16.01.07 World of Nerd Detail

Pro Evolution Soccer 6 Clanwar League
created from rating comment match
11.07.07 MyLegend .PES gg nice team Detail
01.07.07 DkH Multigaming e.V. Detail
25.06.07 North Unites PES Detail
17.06.07 Team Koloniekinder gg Detail

Pro Evolution Soccer 6 Clanwar OLD Amateur Series
created from rating comment match
22.02.07 No Name Gamers Detail
11.02.07 Team Virtual Detail

Pro Evolution Soccer 5 Clanwar Ladder
created from rating comment match
23.10.06 inFection Multigaming Detail
16.10.06 Super Kickers 4 Life Detail
03.10.06 In memory of Against All Authority Detail
25.09.06 Inferno eSports Detail
04.09.06 TEAM CALELLA 2009 gg Detail
12.07.06 Replay Plus Detail
04.07.06 Inferno eSports Detail
03.07.06 No Name Gamers Detail

Pro Evolution Soccer 5 Clanwar Premiership
created from rating comment match
23.10.06 Inferno eSports Detail
17.10.06 In memory of Against All Authority Detail
09.10.06 Team Virtual Clan Fortissimo Detail
29.09.06 TGM Sharks Pes Detail
22.09.06 nomercy Gamers Detail
15.09.06 No Name Gamers Detail