Rating Ozone Giants BF4 

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Battlefield 4 5on5 A-Series
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08.01.14 Another View BF4 Team Detail
30.12.13 FTW eSports Detail
22.12.13 Optimus Gaming Detail
16.12.13 IPEX Gaming Club Detail
15.12.13 ClanSBK Detail
11.12.13 ImPULSE eSP0RTS Detail
09.12.13 Another View BF4 Team Detail
01.12.13 iPeX Gaming Detail
01.12.13 NAM BF4 Detail
24.11.13 FTW eSports Detail
24.11.13 ImPULSE eSP0RTS Detail
20.11.13 Another View BF4 Team Detail

Battlefield 4 Go4BF4 Cup #2 - 05/01/2014
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05.01.14 Team Kappa Detail
05.01.14 R4ID eSport Detail

BF4 Major Ladder 5on5 Squad Obliteration Europe
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22.12.13 TURK CLAN eSports Detail
12.12.13 Frogs of War Detail
18.11.13 teamwod.de BF4 Detail

Battlefield 4 Go4BF4 Cup #1 - 17/11/13
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17.11.13 ex EnRodeviantGAMEFACE Detail
17.11.13 56K-Sports-Amateur Team BF4 Detail

Battlefield 3 Conquest 5on5 Infantry Liga Otono 2k12 Playoffs
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21.01.13 ImPULSE eSP0RTS Detail

Battlefield 3 Conquest 5on5 Infantry Liga Otoño 2k12 SIL
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12.12.12 Pandemic Brigade Detail
28.11.12 CLAN CAMARADAS Todo perfecto Detail
21.11.12 Hermanos de Sangre Detail
07.11.12 ProtoType e-sports Detail
30.10.12 Wall-ES Squad A Detail

Battlefield 3 Conquest 5on5 Infantry Copa Acto de Valor
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13.06.12 Audere Semper eSports - ESP A Detail
12.06.12 ImPULSE eSP0RTS Detail
11.06.12 BPA Detail

Battlefield 3 GoES4BF3 4on4 Squad Rush La Novena Temporada II
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23.05.12 SEMPER BF3 play teto please Detail
20.05.12 nTek e.Sports Detail

Battlefield 3 Cup Series 5on5 CQ Infantry La Novena Temporada II
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21.05.12 SEMPER BF3 Detail
16.05.12 Are u Ready? Detail
16.05.12 Blacks Killer Squad Detail

Battlefield 3 Friday Night Cup 5on5 CQ Infantry La Novena Temporada II
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19.05.12 nTek e.Sports Detail
18.05.12 N7 Team Detail

Battlefield 3 Conquest 5on5 Infantry Ladder
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11.04.12 Blacks Killer Squad Detail
05.03.12 E.Qu4LitY.Es GG chicos, un placer como siempre. Detail
01.03.12 Audere Semper eSports - ESP A Detail
29.02.12 Spanish Shooters Elite gg sin palabras!!! Detail
24.02.12 SEMPER BF3 Detail
22.02.12 Spanish Shooters Elite gggg realmente impresionanteee!!!! gracias!!! Detail
14.02.12 SEMPER BF3 Todos lows menos Supreme ^^ Detail
09.02.12 E.Qu4LitY.Es Detail
31.01.12 In Memory of Phenom Gaming Detail
19.01.12 In Memory of Phenom Gaming Detail

Battlefield 3 Friday Night Cup 5on5 Semana 3 - T2
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06.04.12 N7 Team Detail

Battlefield 3 GoES4BF3 Semana 3 Temporada II #1
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04.04.12 SEMPER BF3 Aimboters XDDD Detail
03.04.12 Clan Speedily Detail

Battlefield 3 GoES4BF3 Semana 2 Temporada II #1
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28.03.12 SEMPER BF3 Detail
27.03.12 -n/a- Detail

Battlefield 3 Cup Series 5on5 Semana 1 - T2
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21.03.12 SEMPER BF3 Detail
21.03.12 ProeliuM e-Sports Club Detail

Battlefield 3 Infantry 5on5 Ladder
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20.03.12 RELAPSE! great team Detail
12.03.12 NITROSE.BF3 Detail
12.03.12 PyRoGEN.BF3 Detail
01.03.12 Brutality Corps thx guys for nice game :) Detail
21.02.12 4seasons.BF3 Detail
14.02.12 TB Detail
13.02.12 ROCK eSports Detail
07.02.12 Brutality Corps Detail
01.02.12 against All authority Detail
29.01.12 Karnage eSports Detail
24.01.12 Modus Operandi Detail
24.01.12 PuBBeN e-Sports CQ Detail
18.01.12 PyRoGEN.BF3 nice team Detail
16.01.12 LRRP BF3 Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 #16
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11.03.12 TCM-Gaming Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 #13
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19.02.12 Team Redbyte ltalia Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 #12
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12.02.12 Tt Dragons BF3 gg Detail
12.02.12 Artificial Intelligence 8on8 Detail

Battlefield 3 Cup Series SEC 5on5 Semana 4 - T1
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06.02.12 SEMPER BF3 lamers XD Detail
01.02.12 In Memory of Phenom Gaming Detail

Battlefield 3 Cup Series SEC 5on5 Semana 3 - T1
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29.01.12 SEMPER BF3 gg ^^ Detail
25.01.12 In Memory of Phenom Gaming Detail
24.01.12 Fuerza de Asalto Virtual Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 #8
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15.01.12 TheyKickAss.BF3 Detail
15.01.12 Epsilon Detail
15.01.12 TCM-Gaming Detail

Battlefield 3 Conquest 8on8 Opening Cup
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22.12.11 nnnnnnnnnnn Detail
18.12.11 Virtual Gamers Alliance BF Detail
18.12.11 STFU GAMING cada vez menos ^^ Detail
12.12.11 NAM Detail
07.12.11 nnnnnnnnnnn Detail
30.11.11 STFU GAMING Detail
23.11.11 Unknown.bf3 Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 #6 - Finals
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18.12.11 TBA gg Detail

Battlefield 3 Squad Rush 4on4 Opening Cup
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15.12.11 SEMPER BF3 fuckers XD Detail
06.12.11 SEMPER BF3 Detail
29.11.11 overGame.BF3 gG! Detail
27.11.11 In Memory of Phenom Gaming Detail

Battlefield 3 Conquest 5on5 Infantry Club 3D Cup
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14.12.11 nnnnnnnnnnn Detail
04.12.11 E.Qu4LitY.Es Detail
29.11.11 Virtual Gamers Alliance BF Detail
29.11.11 1Gen Detail
25.11.11 STFU GAMING Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 #5
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11.12.11 Epsilon Detail
11.12.11 Bumblebee to the Rescue BF3 bad enemy Detail

Battlefield 3 Go4BF3 #4
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04.12.11 Bumblebee to the Rescue BF3 Detail
04.12.11 VIP-Gaming Conquest Detail
04.12.11 beQuiet.BF3 Detail

Battlefield 3 Conquest 8on8 Opening Cup
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22.11.11 Semper fidelis Veni Vidi Vici Detail
16.11.11 We Were There... Detail
09.11.11 logiX e.V. Battlefield Detail
09.11.11 Epsilon Detail
09.11.11 PuBBeN aQuila Detail
07.11.11 Modern Hussary Detail
07.11.11 1139 Clan Detail

Battlefield 3 Squad Rush 4on4 Release Cup
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01.11.11 Team Pros BF3 Detail
30.10.11 In Memory of Team VENOM BF3 Detail
30.10.11 TheyKickAss.BF3 Detail
30.10.11 n!Core plus Detail

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Squad Rush 4on4 Playoffs Spring League
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24.05.10 SEMPERFI Detail

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Squad Rush 4on4 Spring League 2010
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14.05.10 BUK Detail
04.05.10 SPQR Legion IX Hispana Detail

Battlefield 2142 Conquest Ladder
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29.11.07 SvK Detail
27.11.07 Team Empire Battlefield Series Detail
26.11.07 GladiatoReS Detail
25.11.07 New Era Revolution eSports Detail
23.11.07 Beat On Silence Team Detail
14.10.07 SOBR team Detail
11.10.07 New Era Revolution eSports They\'ve been very polite and explained the rules for us. It was our first war! :D Detail
30.05.07 Clan OLE Muy buen partido chicos Detail

Battlefield 2142 Spanish Battlefield League Season IV Groupstage
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12.11.07 1Gen gg Detail
10.10.07 Guerreros 7 Islas Canarias Detail
06.10.07 Logic3 e-Sports Club Detail
13.09.07 Silent kommando e-Sports Muy buena war, Next demostro su magnifico nivel no solo en el campo de batalla sino fuera de el. Detail

Battlefield 2142 Infantry Ladder
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09.11.07 Team Empire Battlefield Series Detail
01.11.07 Team Empire Battlefield Series Detail
08.10.07 PinK Detail
04.10.07 XII Dirty Dozen Detail
26.09.07 S.O.B.R. Stigma Detail
24.09.07 MaxFloPlaY.bf2142 Detail
16.09.07 Veritas-Gaming 2142 Detail
15.09.07 4UM ;) Detail
11.09.07 EliteSquadGamers Detail
10.09.07 Russian Warriors Detail
06.09.07 die.fast team gg Detail
04.09.07 PinK Detail
03.09.07 MaxFloPlaY.bf2142 Detail
30.08.07 Fury Rezzurection gg Detail
29.08.07 Veritas-Gaming 2142 GG well played Detail
06.05.07 MaxFloPlaY.bf2142 Detail
28.04.07 1Gen Detail

KartRider Item 3on3+ Ladder
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21.10.07 MakeYourself e-Sports emocionante xD Detail

Battlefield 2142 Infantry Spring cup finals
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06.05.07 UnKnown Fighters Detail

Battlefield 2142 Conquest Spring cup final
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29.04.07 To be Continued - Bf Series thx for Game Detail

Battlefield 2142 Infantry Spring Cup 2007
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25.03.07 sIN.Gaming e.V. BF2142 gg Detail
18.03.07 MaxFloPlaY.bf2142 Detail

Battlefield 2142 Conquest Spring Cup 2007
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18.03.07 In remembrance of HIGHLAND-ESPORT gg Detail