Rating csskrieger.de .5on5

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Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 MR15 Ladder
created from rating comment match
02.11.08 unimpressibLe eSports gg Detail
19.10.08 ExtremePwnaGe .Germany 5on5 Detail
12.10.08 closed Detail
09.10.08 RUSSENDISCO Detail
09.10.08 cloud 420 Detail
09.10.08 momentan kein name benötigt 2 Detail
08.10.08 lol12345 gg Detail
05.10.08 in memory of the dudEs Detail
05.10.08 uiiiiiii Detail
01.10.08 Trainacc Detail
25.09.08 Ehrensache Detail
24.08.08 Black Swans Alles bestens Detail
07.08.08 11-0-4 Ger mr15 Detail
07.08.08 My Deadline Templer Train Account Detail
26.07.08 iMPRESSIVE Gaming CS:GO gg Detail
20.07.08 2Low-TeaM MR15 GER Detail
14.07.08 German Ruffnecks Detail
13.07.08 No Escape.eas :)...skilld...NOT Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
22.09.08 still friends Detail
21.09.08 1000 mal ladder no gg :/ Detail
07.09.08 CSS - Bugs Ersatzbank n1 CssK Clan. weit überlegen. NICE WAR !!! Detail
17.08.08 team.ArteX-online Detail
10.08.08 gig.gaming Detail
26.07.08 team.ArteX-online ka warum die geleavt sind man sry jungs -.- Detail
06.07.08 uniQue.corE Detail
22.06.08 Underground-Gamer Detail
01.06.08 uniQue.stars Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 3on3 Ladder
created from rating comment match
06.08.08 BANANA PHONE 3on3.v2 Detail
29.07.08 chchchch Detail
29.07.08 legenda 123 Detail

Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
28.06.08 pixelaimer Detail
27.06.08 aQianer.train Detail
27.06.08 omistaalle Detail
21.06.08 dolar team Detail
03.06.08 absolute Detail
03.06.08 back to reality-ex myRuSh gg Detail
31.05.08 Shark-Gaming Detail
29.05.08 Team-Gamma.Quado.net TRAIN Detail

PraccNation Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Nightcup v5
created from rating comment match
20.06.08 TopGun (>\'.\')> Detail
20.06.08 G1-Gaming 5on5 gg hf gegen TopGun Detail

PraccNation Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 Nightcup v4
created from rating comment match
13.06.08 unlucK Detail