Rating myWIFE .5on5 POL

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Counter-Strike 5on5 MR12 Ladder
created from rating comment match
02.02.09 team melanz Detail
27.01.09 team melanz Detail
20.01.09 RUMCAJSY x Detail
20.01.09 HUGOBOSS Detail
17.01.09 AWANTURA Detail
16.01.09 nosce te ipsum 5on5 WORZONKO :( Detail
13.01.09 AWANTURA Detail
11.01.09 low skill klan Detail
11.01.09 nosce te ipsum 5on5 Detail
03.01.09 tim webmajster Detail
25.12.08 4fungejmers Detail
23.12.08 PARADISE Detail
23.12.08 WJAZD NA CHATE Detail
23.12.08 RAGE . gg Detail
22.12.08 5NETPLAYERS.CS Detail
22.12.08 FRUSTRACJA Detail
22.12.08 Taczka Corporation Detail
21.12.08 Bombardierzy Detail
21.12.08 F1RMA Detail
21.12.08 Gumisie z Bajki.5on5 Detail
20.12.08 X7-Haker.pl AMD Detail
20.12.08 OnlineGameCheats. Detail
20.12.08 PARADISE Detail
20.12.08 NINJAKIDS Detail
16.12.08 nosce te ipsum 5on5 Detail
15.12.08 Sensymila Detail
15.12.08 thalRISE- pol Detail
15.12.08 SHOTTA Detail
14.12.08 4fungejmers Detail
13.12.08 WILD INSTINCT Detail
13.12.08 iNTERNETALLSTARS Detail
12.12.08 luxus Detail
12.12.08 NINJAKIDS Detail
12.12.08 SILKA TEAM Detail
12.12.08 5NETPLAYERS.CS Detail
10.12.08 empty Detail
10.12.08 CORE Detail
10.12.08 Bad Manners.cs Detail
10.12.08 Twilight 5on5 trening acc Detail
09.12.08 SHOTTA Detail
08.12.08 ownedMakers 5on5 Detail
08.12.08 FIRMA JP Detail
07.12.08 radiance inactive Detail
07.12.08 cryvito Detail
07.12.08 team ed1t Detail
07.12.08 imbalanced Detail
07.12.08 PJONA Detail
05.12.08 ZEMBLESS Detail
05.12.08 KOMINIARA ZDJETA Detail
04.12.08 hand of God 5on5 Detail
03.12.08 I Hate You Detail
03.12.08 FIRMA JP Detail
02.12.08 5NETPLAYERS.CS Detail
02.12.08 UNDERWORLD Detail
01.12.08 gadu-gadu Detail
30.11.08 chlebek zostal podjedzony Detail
30.11.08 WNW Detail
28.11.08 Wsiadaj Robin Detail
27.11.08 NINJA-CARTEL Detail
27.11.08 Niemozliwi! Detail
26.11.08 WNW Detail
25.11.08 gadu-gadu Detail
25.11.08 tim z malibu Detail
24.11.08 Walimy glowyyyyyy Detail
24.11.08 bukkake Detail
23.11.08 PROSTO.cs 5on5 Detail
23.11.08 Art of Violence Detail
22.11.08 DHARMA initiative #5 Detail
22.11.08 NINJAKIDS Detail
22.11.08 WNW Detail
22.11.08 gadu-gadu Detail
21.11.08 NUBASOW DO WORA Detail
21.11.08 przybij pjontke Detail
21.11.08 ZWST Detail
21.11.08 43-251 Detail
21.11.08 eliminacja cs Detail
20.11.08 FRUSTRACJA Detail
19.11.08 gadu-gadu Detail
18.11.08 SHOTTA Detail
18.11.08 Bad Manners.cs Detail
17.11.08 setinfo Detail
16.11.08 KN Detail
13.11.08 Taczka Corporation Detail
12.11.08 Bombardierzy Detail
12.11.08 chlebek zostal podjedzony Detail
10.11.08 tim headuvers Detail
09.11.08 FLINSTONOFIE Detail
06.11.08 Pro Gloria Gentis.cs Detail
06.11.08 DHARMA initiative #5 Detail
04.11.08 nagie psy Detail
04.11.08 empty Detail
02.11.08 radiance inactive Detail
30.10.08 elyta Detail
30.10.08 DLL Detail
29.10.08 tyryryry Detail
29.10.08 NUBASOW DO WORA Detail
28.10.08 WESOLY CS gg Detail
26.10.08 wild instinct Detail
26.10.08 Anonim Team Detail
25.10.08 Holy Mix Detail
25.10.08 NUBASOW DO WORA Detail
24.10.08 Tubylcy Betonu Detail
22.10.08 Nobody-Knows-Us Detail
22.10.08 nagie psy Detail
21.10.08 wild instinct Detail
20.10.08 allmighty Detail
20.10.08 OWNAGE Detail
18.10.08 Nobody-Knows-Us Detail
18.10.08 Pro Gloria Gentis.cs Detail
18.10.08 setinfo Detail
16.10.08 NA BOGATOOOOO Detail
15.10.08 radiance inactive Detail
14.10.08 allmighty Detail
14.10.08 KH Detail
13.10.08 THE SKUNHEADS Detail
12.10.08 Up in Arms 5on5 mr12 Detail
11.10.08 DHARMA initiative #5 Detail
09.10.08 tim headuvers Detail
09.10.08 setinfo Detail
08.10.08 herbatka zostala wypita Detail
06.10.08 allmighty Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 ESL Amateur Series - Turniej Kwalifikacyjny v1
created from rating comment match
27.10.08 THE SKURVELS Detail