Rating trueSports .CS 1.6

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Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 GoBG4CS July 31
created from rating comment match
15.07.12 UNDERDOGS Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder
created from rating comment match
20.02.12 random Detail
20.02.12 MYAx3 Detail
18.02.12 123 Detail
17.02.12 Legendeee #1 Detail
17.02.12 suiters o.s Detail
17.02.12 crap Crew Detail
16.02.12 Miister Detail
16.02.12 MYAx3 Detail
15.02.12 DEFEATERS .Intel Detail
15.02.12 HS pr3SS3NN Detail
13.02.12 Nordlichtiii Detail
12.02.12 MYAx3 Detail
11.02.12 Sunset Boulevard 2on2 v1 Detail
10.02.12 FC Santos Detail
10.02.12 69s broderna Detail
08.02.12 Minlate Come Back with Zonic Detail
08.02.12 OZ Gaming Detail
08.02.12 PSST freundin schlaeft Detail
07.02.12 MeetYourMum Detail
06.02.12 NUTS meets Friedels meets f00w Detail
06.02.12 MIX-TAPE Detail
06.02.12 Register new Team Detail
05.02.12 brrrtbrrrt.eu gg Detail
05.02.12 DiEHARDS Detail
05.02.12 underdogs Detail
27.01.12 TOOMAH Detail
26.01.12 M0THERSHiP Detail
26.01.12 Nichiren Detail
26.01.12 TEAM Detail
26.01.12 Karl Pilkington Detail
24.01.12 100euro Detail
24.01.12 TEAM Detail
23.01.12 Nobody is Perfect Detail
22.01.12 daddeldamage Detail
22.01.12 crap Crew Detail
21.01.12 angekotzt und zugeschissen Detail
17.01.12 TOOMAH Detail
16.01.12 ACCESS DENIED! Detail
16.01.12 HEROES.EPS OLD Detail
15.01.12 Equal Three We tried to compromise to play on an server that is half between our countrys. But no. Detail
19.12.11 Team !ntrance 5on5! Detail
17.12.11 Profile-95 Detail
17.12.11 cinnamon chasers Detail
13.12.11 TOOMAH Detail
11.12.11 tobedeleted Detail
11.12.11 Profile-95 Detail
10.12.11 DT Detail
08.12.11 tobedeleted Detail
08.12.11 TOOMAH Detail
07.12.11 PROGRESSION.BiB Detail
06.12.11 TOOMAH Detail
06.12.11 Nordlichtiii Detail
05.12.11 INDAFACE Detail
05.12.11 The Family Old *-* Detail
04.12.11 STATS DE JUIF Detail
03.12.11 Pas question ! Detail
02.12.11 mister miyagi Detail
02.12.11 INFERNO.OONLINE Detail
02.12.11 GOLDORAK GO ! Detail
30.11.11 Nasty Guys Detail
30.11.11 tobedeleted Detail
29.11.11 GOLDORAK GO ! Detail
29.11.11 Profile-95 Detail
28.11.11 HOMiES.cup Detail
27.11.11 hummeln 4 life Detail
23.11.11 FUUUUU Detail
23.11.11 Voyapotar Detail
23.11.11 1234567 ys Detail
22.11.11 TOOMAH Detail
22.11.11 BERLIN Detail
22.11.11 You Funny Kid Detail
22.11.11 in-Action EPS Detail
10.11.11 CyberShot cs Detail
10.11.11 Rage Detail
09.11.11 8 Fäuste in Julia Detail
09.11.11 Mes Amities A Ta Ptite Maman Detail
08.11.11 Enigmatic Team Detail
08.11.11 Dood op Lan Detail
08.11.11 FORECAST bulgar serv Detail
07.11.11 E-friends Detail
07.11.11 PROGRESSION.BiB Detail
07.11.11 KURDEN R3 INT scheiss tschuschn Detail
07.11.11 M0THERSHiP Detail
06.11.11 beyond possible Detail
06.11.11 without a trace 5on5 Detail
05.11.11 KOALABOX Detail
05.11.11 EFRAG.BG Detail
05.11.11 crap Crew Detail
05.11.11 beyond possible Detail
04.11.11 Pas question ! Detail
04.11.11 Pathfinders Detail
30.10.11 Mes Amities A Ta Ptite Maman Detail
30.10.11 autumn mix Detail
30.10.11 hauta @ Detail
30.10.11 Real Madrid Detail
30.10.11 mTw Detail
29.10.11 les babouins Detail
29.10.11 autumn mix Detail
05.07.11 FRAGTIVITY.eu Detail
04.07.11 locked and friends Detail
04.07.11 mama kashtan macht die kekse Detail
03.07.11 AllAround.CS Detail
03.07.11 khaotic Detail
03.07.11 Team Violent eSport Detail
03.07.11 mism Detail
03.07.11 JOINTER Detail
02.07.11 KOMEDY TEAM Detail
02.07.11 BÄSTA FRANSKA Detail
02.07.11 bncypm Detail
01.07.11 8Bit-Gaming.de CS 1.6 new Detail
01.07.11 GNAA mm Detail
01.07.11 GUNSLiNGERZ Detail
01.07.11 MAELSTROM Detail
01.07.11 MYAx3 Detail
01.07.11 Team Violent eSport Detail
01.07.11 Pas question ! Detail
30.06.11 locked and friends Detail
30.06.11 some QuestionS Detail
30.06.11 detectives Detail
30.06.11 warzenschw0in Detail
30.06.11 letalis Detail
30.06.11 eXilio 5on5 Detail
30.06.11 PWPUTTY Detail
29.06.11 RevolutionGames eSports Detail
29.06.11 ownage vom feinsteNN Detail
29.06.11 GUNSLiNGERZ Detail
29.06.11 Team GHQ yup Detail
29.06.11 holy sh!t Detail
29.06.11 eXilio 5on5 Detail
29.06.11 letalis Detail
29.06.11 zonewave Detail
29.06.11 BROND@4173 Detail
28.06.11 SPACEMARINES Detail
28.06.11 eXilio 5on5 Detail
28.06.11 Carecrab! - OLD - Detail
27.06.11 crap Crew Detail
27.06.11 iNviTeN Detail
27.06.11 Save The World trolled successfully Detail
27.06.11 CORE i5 Detail
26.06.11 Ninja Sköldpaddor 5on5.int Detail
26.06.11 CowboyS Detail
26.06.11 FRENCH Detail
26.06.11 erfrischend Detail
26.06.11 crap Crew Detail
25.06.11 Cowboys 5n5 Detail
24.06.11 DEMOLKA INT Detail
23.06.11 PTO-Gaming Detail
20.06.11 Enkelschreck ssh Detail
18.06.11 f9on Detail
17.06.11 Fail!!! Detail
17.06.11 KOKS Detail
15.06.11 Djecaci Detail
14.06.11 GNAA mm Detail
14.06.11 spaceshit! Detail
28.05.11 miese briese Detail
28.05.11 usiaci Detail
27.05.11 Da-MiGhtY Detail
27.05.11 noLimit* Detail
27.05.11 top Detail
27.05.11 DREAM MAKERS SVK Detail
26.05.11 Ninja Sköldpaddor 5on5.int Detail
26.05.11 Cute Kitten Loves Brush Detail
26.05.11 GOTFRAG Team Detail
02.12.10 ASTA LA VISTA BABY Detail
28.11.10 STENA Detail
28.11.10 TEAM BRAINSHOCK . CS 1.6 Detail
27.11.10 Sopgaming - DKFS Detail
21.11.10 doubleDare Detail
28.10.10 RevengeAttack Detail
27.10.10 TEAM TBA Detail
08.10.10 Hobel Möffner Detail
08.10.10 Y U NO GOOD? Detail
07.10.10 stupidMonkey?! Detail
05.10.10 private yeaH Detail
04.10.10 CRACKED GAMERS Detail
04.10.10 Centuria Detail
03.10.10 youjizz.united Detail
02.10.10 INVINCIBLE Detail
21.09.10 Bionetic.ba Detail
21.09.10 S1L3N7-SQU4D Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Winter NightFight #4
created from rating comment match
24.01.12 llllljjjjjjj Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 GoBG4CS 3 Groups
created from rating comment match
21.01.12 E-FRAG.BG Detail
21.01.12 PurgedPickles Detail
21.01.12 IGNiTE.mad Detail
21.01.12 RAGE CUP Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Winter NightFight #1
created from rating comment match
12.01.12 E-FRAG.BG Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder
created from rating comment match
11.01.12 GHOSTBUSTERS Detail
10.01.12 loshite Detail
19.12.11 Just2Good Detail
09.12.11 B.I.T.H. Detail
07.12.11 EYE Detail
06.12.11 Nasty Guys Detail
05.12.11 mism Detail
04.12.11 edno parchence i si tam Detail
04.12.11 Flawless Victory @2015 Detail
02.12.11 bullseeye Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 GoBG4CS #1
created from rating comment match
08.01.12 Attack After Attack Detail
08.01.12 mism Detail
08.01.12 STRELQSHTITE Detail
08.01.12 PLAN b Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 December Weekend #2
created from rating comment match
18.12.11 E-FRAG.BG Detail
18.12.11 Attack After Attack Detail
18.12.11 258 Detail
18.12.11 deathadders Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 TOTL II #1
created from rating comment match
12.12.11 EFRAG.BG Detail
12.12.11 mism Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 December Weekend
created from rating comment match
11.12.11 mism Detail
11.12.11 EYE Detail
11.12.11 Super Star Detail
11.12.11 deathadders Detail
11.12.11 Winners Never Lose Detail
11.12.11 pro100 Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Saturday CUP #1
created from rating comment match
03.12.11 E-FRAG.BG Detail
03.12.11 Sanity Detail
03.12.11 SILENT WARIORS Detail
03.12.11 mix. JiNX POKER Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 FightNight November 4
created from rating comment match
30.11.11 EFRAG.BG Detail
30.11.11 Attack After Attack Detail

Counter-Strike 3on3 MR15 Ladder
created from rating comment match
28.11.11 deadzone Detail
28.11.11 Ghost sYMbOL Detail
28.11.11 Te Takie Typy Detail
28.11.11 Playboy 3 gg Detail
12.11.11 how2kill Detail
11.11.11 WE LOVE SLOVENIA Detail
11.11.11 SmartBomb 3er Detail
10.11.11 gehtn? Detail
08.11.11 MOURTATCHE Detail
05.11.11 QuecaTEAM Detail
05.11.11 r2v Detail
31.10.11 bruce wayne Detail
31.10.11 FR3NCH Detail
30.10.11 Ninjas In Pyjamas .swe Detail
29.10.11 FR3NCH Detail
12.12.10 Detroit Lions Detail
12.12.10 eShok Detail
11.12.10 onlywhite! Detail
11.12.10 MIAOU Detail
11.12.10 feels europe Detail
10.12.10 gameKult. Cs 1.6 Detail
23.09.10 C18 Detail
23.09.10 ne4pz Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 BG Challenge 7
created from rating comment match
27.11.11 ARMANI JEANS Detail
27.11.11 EYE Detail
27.11.11 E-FRAG.BG Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 BG Challenge 7 Groups
created from rating comment match
26.11.11 Attack After Attack Detail
26.11.11 BROND@4173 Detail
26.11.11 Black yards Detail
26.11.11 mism Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 FightNight November 3
created from rating comment match
23.11.11 Attack After Attack Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 BG Challenge 5 Groups
created from rating comment match
12.11.11 Rockafellas Detail
12.11.11 beyond possible Detail
12.11.11 EYE Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 FightNight November 1
created from rating comment match
09.11.11 Home Dominant CS:GO EPS Detail
09.11.11 E-FRAG.BG Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 IEM Quals 2011
created from rating comment match
03.11.11 The Kings Detail
03.11.11 wAR MACHINE team Detail
02.11.11 SupportUS Detail
02.11.11 anonymous fighters Detail
02.11.11 The Kings Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Night Cup #9
created from rating comment match
01.11.11 anonymous fighters Detail
01.11.11 NIGGERS Detail
01.11.11 demobaza Detail
01.11.11 PLAN b Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Night Cup #8
created from rating comment match
27.10.11 pro100 Detail
27.10.11 PLAN b Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 BG october Challenge 3
created from rating comment match
23.10.11 GameHost Detail
23.10.11 E-FRAG.BG Detail
23.10.11 Attack After Attack Detail
23.10.11 MIGHTY FIVE Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 BG September Challenge 2
created from rating comment match
16.10.11 Attack After Attack Detail
16.10.11 HAKERSSS Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 BG September Challenge 1
created from rating comment match
09.10.11 SO Detail
09.10.11 cupata_na_DexteN Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 September Sunday Cup 1
created from rating comment match
25.09.11 Just2Good Detail
25.09.11 Smash The Dunce Detail
25.09.11 Forum Fighters Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 FightNight May #6
created from rating comment match
18.05.11 Project 13 Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder
created from rating comment match
02.02.11 AFK Detail
01.02.11 puf paf Detail
01.02.11 Quality Players! Detail
31.01.11 Ripper1 Detail
30.01.11 PARTY ANIMAL-z Detail
25.01.11 SLOWMIND ovrlckd da mi qde huq Detail
24.01.11 AFK Detail
24.01.11 sddddddddddddasd Detail
23.01.11 citerite Detail
22.01.11 rage of dstny Detail
22.01.11 PLAGUE Detail
22.01.11 TheVoice Detail
21.01.11 doomsday Detail
21.01.11 rage of dstny Detail
21.01.11 Anime Girl With a Deagle Detail
20.01.11 sense the enemy Detail
20.01.11 Divine Dynasty Detail
20.01.11 sddddddddddddasd Detail
19.01.11 mixx! Detail
18.01.11 sddddddddddddasd Detail
16.01.11 citerite Detail
15.01.11 PLAGUE Detail
15.01.11 5K1NGS-SAD Detail
15.01.11 iy CUP Detail
15.01.11 PLAGUE Detail
14.01.11 Anime Girl With a Deagle Detail
14.01.11 Angels Fall Down Detail
14.01.11 5K1NGS-SAD Detail
14.01.11 INSANITY Detail
22.12.10 ma3x 5on5 MR15 Ladder Detail
22.12.10 overdozzE Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder2
created from rating comment match
18.12.10 RwA Detail
18.12.10 ma3x 5on5 MR15 Ladder Detail
18.12.10 FRiENDS :) Detail
12.12.10 ma3x 5on5 MR15 Ladder Detail
12.12.10 kyberMotion. Detail
11.12.10 RevengeAttack Detail
06.12.10 DRIFT-KING Detail
02.12.10 LSK Detail
28.11.10 BAMBAM1 Detail
11.11.10 NF Detail
09.11.10 unleash the beast gg Detail
29.09.10 humanoids Detail
29.09.10 unleash the beast Detail
19.09.10 ttp Detail
16.09.10 ttp Detail
16.09.10 Vodka with Menta Detail
16.09.10 NAAAAA Detail
15.09.10 ttp Detail
11.09.10 ttp Detail
10.09.10 Lucky Strike ! Detail
10.09.10 wallErZ Detail
12.11.09 nc23 5v5 Detail
12.11.09 overdozzE Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Qpad League - Групова фаза
created from rating comment match
27.11.10 Electronic-Art Detail
27.11.10 LuckExist CS:GO Detail
21.11.10 CyberShot cs Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Qpad League - Квалификация #4
created from rating comment match
14.11.10 HYPERACTIVe Detail
14.11.10 Gifted Detail
14.11.10 h4x.bg Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 IEM V - Квалификация
created from rating comment match
11.09.10 MASCARA Detail

Counter-Strike Alternativ 5on5 Ladder
created from rating comment match
18.10.09 Team MiB Detail
18.10.09 Diabolus Exorcism Detail
17.10.09 Homo Detail
14.10.09 aJs Detail
13.10.09 T.JAWS Detail
10.10.09 manaf1 Detail
07.09.09 above all Detail
05.09.09 iNNeRCoRe Detail
04.09.09 c09 neseriozna rabota . . .pone da se nau4at da gubqt Detail
29.03.09 Angels Can Fly Detail
22.03.09 Rockin bitchez Detail
22.03.09 FRIENDSSSS Detail
21.03.09 ANTIFA - CS Bulgaria Detail
21.03.09 Rockin bitchez Detail
11.03.09 FRIENDS Detail
10.03.09 hellish.team Detail
08.03.09 Stay Alive Dude - SaD Gaming Detail
08.03.09 Amfet0 Mobile 5on5 Bulgaria Detail
04.03.09 Diabolus Exorcism Detail
03.03.09 FRIENDS Detail
02.03.09 Diabolus Exorcism Detail
01.03.09 start the panic Detail
01.03.09 ClubINFERNO Detail
28.02.09 VICTORY.cs Detail
28.02.09 DIE HARD Detail
25.02.09 Diabolus Exorcism Detail
24.02.09 fantasy Detail
23.02.09 Superstyle International Detail
22.02.09 extremeplay - team Detail
22.02.09 Diabolus Exorcism Detail
22.02.09 PokerTH Detail
22.02.09 ILLUSION.CS Detail
19.02.09 Diabolus Exorcism Detail

Counter-Strike Alternativ 2on2 Ladder
created from rating comment match
04.06.09 PRQKO OT KOLORADO Detail
31.05.09 romi Detail