Main Members (1) Replay Archive (0) Awards (3) Rating History Rating wings kfc back [ Ratings received ] [ Ratings submitted ] Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder created from rating comment match 10.11.11 TEAM-MIGHTY Detail 06.11.11 CHEDY SIE DZIEJOM Detail 05.11.11 Special Forces Airbornee Detail 04.11.11 teamWYGRYWACZE Detail 03.11.11 pjenciu fspanialych Detail 03.11.11 wez to wyp*erdol na smieci Detail 02.11.11 Koguty Detail 09.10.11 TYTANY Detail 07.10.11 VERY HARD SKILL Detail 06.10.11 niewazne Detail 06.10.11 TURBO Detail 06.10.11 ZIOMBLE Detail 05.10.11 MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 Detail 05.10.11 Paniowie Detail 04.10.11 DANCERY Detail 02.10.11 PLAYWOOD Detail 01.10.11 SZALONE KROWY Detail 01.10.11 RISINGstars Detail 01.10.11 YAKA Detail 30.09.11 MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 Detail 30.09.11 haj fajf Detail 28.09.11 MEET YOUR XAI .5n5 Detail 28.09.11 NABIJAMY EXPA Detail 26.09.11 Team-Mythica Detail 26.09.11 Team ProfiIe Detail 25.09.11 MIXED pracc Detail 25.09.11 KS Roda Detail 25.09.11 Still Alive Detail 20.02.10 kicked group Detail 20.02.10 Trouble Shooter.cs Detail 19.02.10 neXtPlease! Detail 18.02.10 hftr mixed Detail 18.02.10 13th Division Detail 18.02.10 GRAMMATIK Detail 18.02.10 ALE URWAL Detail 18.02.10 Beeg Detail 17.02.10 PSZCZOLA Detail 16.02.10 POLNOC CENTRUM POLUDNIE Detail 14.02.10 team-rout Detail 14.02.10 SNICKERSS Detail 14.02.10 team /b/ Detail 14.02.10 BombSight Fragline Detail 14.02.10 team-rout Detail 14.02.10 SPOJRZ NAM W OCZY Detail 13.02.10 PSZCZOLA Detail 13.02.10 PLEBSS Detail 13.02.10 Walimy na TOP 1 Detail 13.02.10 DRUID PROWADZI Detail 12.02.10 KW@DR@TY Detail 12.02.10 dobra Koniec Detail 12.02.10 NeverDieAlone 1.6 Detail 11.02.10 bombERROR Detail 11.02.10 WE MADE wOw! Detail 11.02.10 TEAM ROUT Detail 11.02.10 Vampire Beach Babes Detail 11.02.10 bandziory Detail 11.02.10 tim dORAMI Detail 11.02.10 rEBELIA Detail 11.02.10 PAWIAN GEJMING 5/5 Detail 11.02.10 Twarzowcy 5on5 NVM 0 :D Detail 10.02.10 alko power Detail 10.02.10 rEBELIA Detail 10.02.10 dobra Koniec Detail 10.02.10 BUNT Detail 10.02.10 no to sru Detail 10.02.10 WYROBIONY RN Detail 09.02.10 Lamehack Detail 09.02.10 TURBODYMOMANv2 Detail 09.02.10 team /b/ Detail 09.02.10 Frag-eXecutors #2005 Detail 09.02.10 LANOFFFE KASKI Detail 09.02.10 PAWIAN GEJMING 5/5 Detail 08.02.10 toplvlekipa Detail 08.02.10 Czarusie! Detail 08.02.10 14-16 Detail 08.02.10 360 stopni Detail 08.02.10 JANKI Detail 08.02.10 PARABOL3 Detail 08.02.10 Detail 08.02.10 Adrenaline eXplosioN CLUB Detail 07.02.10 hg Detail 07.02.10 Amazing Gaming Detail 22.01.10 Aut mors aut victoria Detail 22.01.10 GoodFellas.cs Detail 22.01.10 RELAKSACJA Detail 22.01.10 HARDCORE FIGHTERS 5/5 Detail 22.01.10 rezerwowe pracc Detail 21.01.10 Adrenaline eXplosioN CLUB Detail 21.01.10 MADE IN HELL POL MR15 Detail 21.01.10 Nobody-Knows-Us- Detail 20.01.10 stuk puk Detail 19.01.10 Phobos Gaming Detail 19.01.10 Spajs Gerls Detail 19.01.10 ZEBRA EXTREME Detail 19.01.10 lejk ap Detail 19.01.10 iN FLAMES Detail 19.01.10 haxy Detail 19.01.10 ZEBRA EXTREME Detail 19.01.10 KOMENDANCI MELANZUU Detail 18.01.10 toplvlekipa Detail 18.01.10 WP1ERDOL BY Detail 18.01.10 toplvlekipa Detail 18.01.10 no to sru Detail 18.01.10 VERY HARD SKILL Detail 18.01.10 AM@Z1NG Detail 17.01.10 WYPLATA Detail 17.01.10 LIKE A G6 Detail 17.01.10 Hardcore Team2 Detail 16.01.10 Miernoty Detail 16.01.10 DREAM5 Detail 16.01.10 Absolutny Brak Perspektyw 5on5 Detail 15.01.10 SZPECE Detail 15.01.10 ULTIMATE.nOObaX! NO-LIFE CLUB Detail 15.01.10 VERY HARD SKILL Detail 15.01.10 Siema heniu Detail 15.01.10 no to sru Detail 14.01.10 sick-bobs 5/5 Detail 14.01.10 nonNotus Detail 14.01.10 BIBLIOTEKARZE Detail 14.01.10 WPIERDOLow Detail 14.01.10 RUMUNY Detail 14.01.10 VERY HARD SKILL Detail 13.01.10 PRIDE 5x5 Detail 13.01.10 NDL Detail 13.01.10 BULLETPROOF Detail 13.01.10 Hafer Oats Detail 13.01.10 VERY HARD SKILL Detail 13.01.10 Against Death Detail 12.01.10 WYPLATA Detail 12.01.10 Kombajn Detail 12.01.10 FIRSTTEAM Detail 12.01.10 BAWIACE STWORKI Detail 08.10.09 Lamehack Detail 08.10.09 PSYCHOPACI gg Detail 08.10.09 PRAWDZIWA EKIPA BAKSZYSZ Detail 07.10.09 AST friends! Detail 07.10.09 ALE TO BYLO DOBRE Detail 07.10.09 Happy Tree Friendss Detail 06.10.09 AUTOKASKI Detail 22.09.09 TEAM ENIGMATIK Detail 19.09.09 NIE PYSKUJ Detail 19.09.09 prawdziwa e-rodzina Detail 19.09.09 prawdziwa e-rodzina Detail 18.09.09 TLUSTE KOTY Detail 18.09.09 Ille qui nos omnes servabit Detail 18.09.09 WITAJCIE 5on5 Detail 17.09.09 deStroy-eSports Detail 16.09.09 MMA Detail 15.09.09 good sensimilla Detail 13.09.09 EUPHORIA CS Detail 13.09.09 ETHEREAL PUNISHMENT Detail 11.09.09 toplvlekipa Detail 11.09.09 EUPHORIA CS Detail 10.09.09 KURZYDLO Detail 10.09.09 SK-Gaming 2/2 Detail 10.09.09 EUPHORIA CS whatever skatował bym Cie jak psa Detail 08.09.09 Trzej Krolowie Detail 08.09.09 good sensimilla Detail 08.09.09 FRUSTRACJA Detail