Rating Millenium.LOL 

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League of Legends Intel Extreme Masters Guangzhou Crossrealm Qualifier
created from rating comment match
01.09.12 Reason Gaming.Go4LoL Detail
01.09.12 WannaBeezZ gg Detail

League of Legends 5on5 Riot Games - European Regional Finals Decider
created from rating comment match
02.08.12 Reason Gaming.Go4LoL Detail

ESL Major Series Season X League of Legends Groupstage
created from rating comment match
15.07.12 Parszywa 5 Veggiego Detail
01.07.12 Guru Gaming Detail
26.06.12 id_6686230 gg wp Detail
21.06.12 Smart People Detail

League of Legends EU West 5on5 European Challenger Circuit: Poland - Qualifier #4
created from rating comment match
29.06.12 Team Elobladez Detail
28.06.12 R0B0TB0YS Detail

League of Legends EU West 5on5 European Challenger Circuit: Poland - Qualifier #3
created from rating comment match
26.06.12 Team Acer Poland Detail
26.06.12 Team Draconian Detail
26.06.12 Gods of The Storm Detail

League of Legends 5on5 Qualification EMS X
created from rating comment match
22.02.12 Team Sypher Detail
21.02.12 K-LibR.LoL Detail
21.02.12 Fascinating Games Arts Djokos Detail
20.02.12 easyemsLOL gj Detail

League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #73 (Sun 22.01.12)
created from rating comment match
22.01.12 Ultra Vires Detail
22.01.12 PaRaDiSe #2 Detail
22.01.12 MediumAirLeopards Detail

League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #59 (Sun 16.10.11)
created from rating comment match
16.10.11 Team CTGaming.LoL Detail
16.10.11 Old School Clan Detail

League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #58 (Sun 09.10.11)
created from rating comment match
09.10.11 szlachta Detail
09.10.11 Adrenaline Rush Detail

League of Legends Cup EMS IX Qualif France
created from rating comment match
16.09.11 Tang Freres Detail
15.09.11 BibiGaming Detail
12.09.11 WESH WESH MAKI Detail
12.09.11 nonamerslol Detail
08.09.11 Pelegrin, We love you Detail
06.09.11 sup fresh our turn baby Detail

League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #46 (Wed 27.07.11)
created from rating comment match
28.07.11 Dimegio Club Detail
28.07.11 peculiar gaming.LoL Detail
27.07.11 EYES ON U Detail
27.07.11 phallic LoL Detail
27.07.11 Team is Skill .lol Detail
27.07.11 Defining Stars.LoL Detail

League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #45 (Sun 24.07.11)
created from rating comment match
24.07.11 peculiar gaming.LoL Detail
24.07.11 ClicknPwn Detail
24.07.11 NITROSE.CheapKey.fr Detail

League of Legends 5on5 Global Challenge Cologne Final Qualifier
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23.07.11 Frag eXecutors Detail

League of Legends EU West 5on5 Global Challenge Cologne Qualifier #1
created from rating comment match
09.07.11 Ninja Mafia Detail

ESL Major Series Season VIII League of Legends Playoffs
created from rating comment match
04.07.11 Smart People Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Monthly Final #9
created from rating comment match
27.06.11 SK Gaming Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #38 (Sun 22.05.11)
created from rating comment match
24.05.11 team tictacs Detail
22.05.11 Live4Game Detail
22.05.11 TO BEDZIE ATAK Detail
22.05.11 Senatus Populus Que Romanus Detail
22.05.11 DHG Detail

ESL Major Series Season VIII League of Legends Groupstage
created from rating comment match
21.05.11 FnaticRaidCall Detail
04.05.11 FnaticRaidCall Detail
16.04.11 3DMAX Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Monthly Final #8
created from rating comment match
19.05.11 Tera Mindfactory.LoL Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #36 (Sun 08.05.11)
created from rating comment match
18.05.11 SK Gaming Detail
10.05.11 SK Gaming Detail
09.05.11 Fureur Detail
08.05.11 ProeliuM e-Sports.LoL Detail
08.05.11 Team BANHAMMER Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #37 (Sun 15.05.11)
created from rating comment match
17.05.11 Smart People Detail
15.05.11 SaLo Team Detail
15.05.11 Liandri Detail
15.05.11 madFOX Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #35 (Sun 01.05.11)
created from rating comment match
01.05.11 Smart People Detail
01.05.11 Its so fluffy im gonna die Detail
01.05.11 Frozenriders.lol Detail
01.05.11 Team Made in Italy Alpha Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #32 (Sun 10.04.11)
created from rating comment match
28.04.11 SK Gaming Detail
13.04.11 Fureur Detail
10.04.11 myRevenge e.V. Detail
10.04.11 Seishi LoL Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #34 (Sat 23.04.11)
created from rating comment match
23.04.11 Fureur Detail
23.04.11 THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS.pl Detail
23.04.11 Das Team 17 minutes too late Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Monthly Final #7 (Thu 21.04.11)
created from rating comment match
21.04.11 FnaticRaidCall Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #33 (Sun 17.04.11)
created from rating comment match
18.04.11 SK Gaming Detail
17.04.11 Team ALTERNATE LoL Cup Detail
17.04.11 peculiar gaming.LoL Detail
17.04.11 DELETE Detail
17.04.11 NorthernGrade Detail

Crasher 3on3 Crasher Cup Series #2 - CBA
created from rating comment match
11.04.11 Jesus Missiles Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #31 (Sun 03.04.11)
created from rating comment match
04.04.11 FnaticRaidCall Detail
03.04.11 Die Hortkinder Detail
03.04.11 Team Acer.eu gg Detail
03.04.11 QuiCk e-Sports Club Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL Finale Mars
created from rating comment match
30.03.11 Team Seren1ty Detail
30.03.11 Fureur Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #30 (Sun 27.03.11)
created from rating comment match
27.03.11 SK Gaming Detail
27.03.11 Funny Nerds Detail
27.03.11 nGa-gaming.LoL Detail
27.03.11 LoLGGSuperNabz Detail
27.03.11 LeS GanGpLaNkS FaNtOmEs Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL Cup #6
created from rating comment match
21.03.11 Origine-online.LOL Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #29 (Sun 20.03.11)
created from rating comment match
20.03.11 SK Gaming Detail
20.03.11 Frag eXecutors Detail
20.03.11 League of Shitline Champions Detail
20.03.11 Team Zodiacx 2.0 Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Monthly Final #6
created from rating comment match
18.03.11 Team Sypher Detail
17.03.11 FnaticRaidCall Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL Cup #3
created from rating comment match
16.03.11 Fureur Detail
15.03.11 The Last Chance LoL Detail
15.03.11 Liber Populus Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #28 (Sun 13.03.11)
created from rating comment match
13.03.11 peculiar gaming.LoL Detail
13.03.11 FnaticRaidCall Detail
13.03.11 We Own U Detail
13.03.11 Team Magnetz Detail
13.03.11 56 Kompania Specjalna LoL Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #26 (Sun 27.02.11)
created from rating comment match
07.03.11 SK Gaming Detail
01.03.11 team tictacs Detail
27.02.11 Team Sypher Detail
27.02.11 Gramy bo lubimy Detail
27.02.11 Lanowi Gracze Detail
27.02.11 In Memory of Abk Detail
27.02.11 Inactive Gaming Detail

League of Legends 5on5 EMS VII Qualif France
created from rating comment match
28.02.11 Team Sypher Detail
25.02.11 F**d us We are Famous Detail
24.02.11 MoGs Detail
21.02.11 DEF-1.LoL2 Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #25 (Sun 20.02.11)
created from rating comment match
20.02.11 FnaticRaidCall Detail
20.02.11 69 Flyers Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #24 (Sun 13.02.11)
created from rating comment match
13.02.11 FnaticRaidCall Detail
13.02.11 69 Flyers Detail
13.02.11 eVoid Detail
13.02.11 FORCE OF NATURE. GG Detail
13.02.11 3 Steps Ahead Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Monthly Final #5 (Thu 10.02.11)
created from rating comment match
11.02.11 old Detail
10.02.11 FnaticRaidCall Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #22 (Sun 30.01.11)
created from rating comment match
31.01.11 SK Gaming Detail
30.01.11 FnaticRaidCall Detail
30.01.11 Frag eXecutors Detail
30.01.11 LoL Team Independent Gaming Detail
30.01.11 Massive Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #21 (Sun 23.01.11)
created from rating comment match
23.01.11 SK Gaming Detail
23.01.11 Double Trouble Detail
23.01.11 Cool Beans Team Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #20 (Sun 16.01.11)
created from rating comment match
16.01.11 Tera Mindfactory.LoL Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #19 (Sun 09.01.11)
created from rating comment match
11.01.11 TakeCover-Gaming Detail
09.01.11 Just4Fun LoL Detail
09.01.11 Strange Killer Bees Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Monthly Final #4
created from rating comment match
06.01.11 SK Gaming Detail

League of Legends 3on3 Fight Club #22 (Tue 04.01.11 )
created from rating comment match
04.01.11 AIRBORNE GAMING Detail
04.01.11 wipeout. great team Detail
04.01.11 TO BEDZIE ATAK Detail
04.01.11 AbuseYourDNA Detail
04.01.11 Pokemon Just asked some questions, but they just laughed Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #18 (Sun 02. 01.11)
created from rating comment match
02.01.11 SK Gaming Detail
02.01.11 FnaticRaidCall Detail
02.01.11 Smart People Detail
02.01.11 Da_Gaming! Detail
02.01.11 webSPELL Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #17 (Tue 28.12.10)
created from rating comment match
29.12.10 Tunnel Vision Detail
29.12.10 FnaticRaidCall Detail
29.12.10 My mom said im Xspecial Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #16 (Sun 19.12.10)
created from rating comment match
19.12.10 Tunnel Vision Detail
19.12.10 Crit Happens Detail
19.12.10 Neon Genesis Gaming 2 Detail
19.12.10 Special room Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #15 (Sun 12.12.10)
created from rating comment match
12.12.10 Team Sypher Detail
12.12.10 FnaticRaidCall Detail
12.12.10 team tictacs Detail
12.12.10 BROGAMERS Detail
12.12.10 PornoStars.LoL Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Monthly Final #3
created from rating comment match
10.12.10 SK Gaming Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #14 (Sun 05.12.10)
created from rating comment match
05.12.10 We Win 1st Place Detail
05.12.10 Team Sypher Detail
05.12.10 Non Stop Detail
05.12.10 BASS-EFFECT LoL 5on5 Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #13 (Sun 28.11.10)
created from rating comment match
28.11.10 SK Gaming Detail
28.11.10 Team ALTERNATE LoL Cup Detail
28.11.10 HEADSHOTBG LOL Detail
28.11.10 Team High Definition Gaming Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #11 (Sun 14.11.10)
created from rating comment match
14.11.10 Chill4Skill Detail
14.11.10 Breath I\'m sorry about that ... Detail
14.11.10 ePolice Detail
14.11.10 HEADSHOTBG LOL Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #10 (Sun 07.11.10)
created from rating comment match
07.11.10 SK Gaming Detail
07.11.10 Smart People Detail
07.11.10 TakeCover-Gaming Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Monthly Final #2
created from rating comment match
03.11.10 Inglorious Retards Detail
03.11.10 FnaticRaidCall Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #9 (Sun 31.10.10)
created from rating comment match
31.10.10 Team Sypher Detail
31.10.10 Meet The Defeat gg Detail
31.10.10 Team Gank3d Nice Team. Well played Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #8 (Sun 24.10.10)
created from rating comment match
24.10.10 Independent Digital Artists Detail
24.10.10 Meet The Defeat Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #7 (Sun 17.10.10)
created from rating comment match
17.10.10 SK Gaming Detail
17.10.10 HEADSHOTBG LOL Detail
17.10.10 Where is Our Nexus Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #6 (Sun 10.10.10)
created from rating comment match
10.10.10 SK Gaming Detail
10.10.10 STB Detail
10.10.10 The Last Chance LoL Detail
10.10.10 Serviceline Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Monthly Final #1
created from rating comment match
06.10.10 Fureur International Detail
06.10.10 Itkuvirsi Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #5 (Sun 03.10.10)
created from rating comment match
03.10.10 SK Gaming Detail
03.10.10 EnteligEnteEnte Detail
03.10.10 The best Strategy Detail
03.10.10 BombSight.lol Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #4 (Sun 26.09.10)
created from rating comment match
26.09.10 Fureur International Detail
26.09.10 Insomnia Team Detail
26.09.10 Biertje! Detail
26.09.10 BorN To Kill Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #3 (Sun 19.09.10)
created from rating comment match
19.09.10 Itkuvirsi Detail
19.09.10 SK Gaming Detail
19.09.10 EnteligEnteEnte Detail
19.09.10 ExTrem Feed FTW Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #2 (Sun 12.09.10)
created from rating comment match
12.09.10 SK Gaming Detail
12.09.10 Origine-online.LOL Detail
12.09.10 Serviceline Detail
12.09.10 Ville-Gymnasium Erftstadt Detail
12.09.10 Grow uP Gaming - LoL Detail

League of Legends Go4LoL Cup #1 (Sun 05.09.10)
created from rating comment match
05.09.10 SK Gaming Detail
05.09.10 NakedAkali Detail

League of Legends 3on3 Fight Club #9
created from rating comment match
23.05.10 LOLLOL 3v3 Detail
23.05.10 Established Detail

League of Legends 5on5 Fight Club #7
created from rating comment match
26.04.10 LoooL of Legues they flamed us a lot... Detail
25.04.10 Fureur International Detail
25.04.10 Trozos Team Detail