Rating World Boxing Council 

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Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder
created from rating comment match
18.03.11 HAMBRRRYDA Detail
18.03.11 jarkosfera 5n5 Detail
17.03.11 niezleskurviele Detail
15.03.11 A Kunia Znasz? Detail
14.03.11 A jadles miki mausy? Detail
02.03.11 Amazing Gaming Detail
20.02.11 frajernia Detail
20.02.11 ccp Detail
20.02.11 polish rozpie_dol gejmerz Detail
20.02.11 compLexity Detail
28.01.11 ENT!RE Detail
28.01.11 SKILL UNITED Detail
26.01.11 Only Inet. Detail
25.01.11 mTTs Detail
24.01.11 COCCOL1NO Detail
24.01.11 ONEMANTEAM Detail
24.01.11 Bosmani Detail
23.01.11 POLSKI GARNIZON Detail
23.01.11 MASA500 Detail
22.01.11 loved it Detail
22.01.11 VIHAJSTER Detail
21.01.11 GANG RUSKI Detail
21.01.11 DOUBLE BLASTA Detail
21.01.11 meduska Detail
21.01.11 EKIPA PETRUSA Detail
21.01.11 vac my life Detail
21.01.11 SKILL UNITED Detail
19.01.11 losers Detail
19.01.11 czas Na wpie_dol 5on5 Detail
19.01.11 PRIDE 5x5 Detail
18.01.11 ENDD Detail
17.01.11 GREENLAND1 Detail
17.01.11 TPWC#5 Detail
17.01.11 MELANZ Detail
16.01.11 low skill klan Detail
16.01.11 Mixowe napinacze Detail
16.01.11 Another Skill Dimension Detail
16.01.11 Royalblood Detail
15.01.11 mYx me Detail
15.01.11 Torun.cs Detail
13.01.11 KIEPSCY Detail
13.01.11 Dawaj na Plansze Detail
12.01.11 3dB 5on5 Detail
11.01.11 DEGENERATS 5on5 Detail
11.01.11 ZBANOWANI Detail
09.01.11 club-music POWER Detail
09.01.11 PotargamZeSzok Detail
09.01.11 Echo W Nocniku Detail
09.01.11 maciek corporation firma JP Detail
08.01.11 mixownia Detail
08.01.11 fragworks ekypa Detail
08.01.11 JAMAICA Detail
07.01.11 Walczymy o nic Detail
07.01.11 BURNING! Detail
06.01.11 5 SPECIALS Detail
06.01.11 Podmuch Palestyny 5on5 Detail
06.01.11 BIZON ATTACK KU_WA Detail
06.01.11 Against All Odds Detail
06.01.11 Still Alive Detail
04.01.11 fragworks ekypa Detail
04.01.11 SKILL UNITED Detail
02.01.11 PGC.cs Detail
31.12.10 MELANZ Detail
28.12.10 5NETPLAYERS Detail
28.12.10 from 0 to Hero Detail
28.12.10 BIZON ATTACK KU_WA Detail
27.12.10 PRIDE 5x5 Detail
26.12.10 Cool Story BRO! Detail
26.12.10 A jadles miki mausy? Detail
26.12.10 team netplay Detail
26.12.10 maciek corporation firma JP Detail
26.12.10 OWN3D Detail
26.12.10 Umyj Mydlo 5on5 Detail
24.12.10 na dywanach jest Detail
24.12.10 yeaaaaaaaaaa Detail
24.12.10 loved it Detail
24.12.10 Crappy composition Detail
23.12.10 lapu capu Detail
22.12.10 RAZEM PONAD KABEL Detail
22.12.10 instancja Detail
22.12.10 Tim Paradajs Detail
22.12.10 MELANZ Detail
22.12.10 no to sru Detail
21.12.10 HEXAGON TEAM Detail
21.12.10 Ekipa Mocnego Pierdolniecia Detail
19.12.10 PORYTEGLOWY 5on5 Detail
19.12.10 Mentolniecie Detail
19.12.10 nie dla idiotow Detail
19.12.10 JAMAICA Detail
18.12.10 FART-GEJMING Detail
18.12.10 from sulejowek Detail
18.12.10 L A N K L A N Detail
16.12.10 nie dla idiotow Detail
13.12.10 ekipa zenka Detail
13.12.10 Kaszanka Team Detail

Counter-Strike 4on4 MR15 Ladder
created from rating comment match
26.01.11 CÜS YEAH! Detail
24.01.11 ANALYSER Detail
21.01.11 Lexikon Detail
20.01.11 Zwo Eins RISIKO Detail

Counter-Strike 2on2 AWP Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
02.12.10 Lags by ewac Detail
14.11.10 SK-Gaming 2/2 Detail
13.11.10 Prezes Detail
13.11.10 Delta Kwadrat Detail
14.10.10 Hello Kittyyyy Detail
09.10.10 HellGame.cs 2on2 Detail
09.10.10 GIVE IT UP! Detail
08.10.10 BANIATORYwOw223 Detail
07.10.10 Pelna Moc Detail

Counter-Strike 2on2 Handgun MR15 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
09.10.10 TASAKI! Detail

Counter-Strike 2on2 MR15 Ladder
created from rating comment match
05.10.10 abc Detail
03.10.10 Camele Detail