Star Wars: Battlefront II 5on5 Plus Ladder Old |
17.01.10 |
The Unknown Warriors |
well played, no complications ^^ |
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14.01.10 |
electronic Bloodsports R.I.P. |
GG.. aber man kann auch nett fragen.. |
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10.01.10 |
E-Sport-Titanen |
GG.. danke für den Comebackwar :) |
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16.08.09 |
Aquila Gaming |
nice war |
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07.08.09 |
The Eternal Warriors |
gg |
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02.08.09 |
relation.Allstars |
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26.07.09 |
Unknown Regions' Sith |
gg .. walkbug :( |
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12.07.09 |
Team7LIVES |
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05.07.09 |
relation.Allstars |
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22.06.09 |
nice war |
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06.06.09 |
Team7LIVES |
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24.05.09 |
Team7LIVES |
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17.05.09 |
nice war |
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16.05.09 |
PhaceIt eSports |
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14.05.09 |
Unknown Regions' Sith |
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10.05.09 |
Delta Force Team |
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26.04.09 |
Delta Force Team |
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25.04.09 |
The Eternal Warriors |
nice war, aber lasst das mit den Screens bitte |
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21.04.09 |
nice war |
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20.04.09 |
Neighbourhood oLdsqL |
nice war |
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19.04.09 |
E-Sport-Titanen |
nice war |
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18.04.09 |
The Eternal Warriors |
nice war |
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11.04.09 |
PhaceIt eSports |
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09.04.09 |
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05.04.09 |
Unleashed Elemental Forces |
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03.04.09 |
Fallen |
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30.03.09 |
Team7LIVES |
<3 WinnerServer ;D |
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29.03.09 |
Unknown Regions' Sith |
nice, but blaming us for lag ?? it\'s SWBF2 ! |
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28.03.09 |
nice war |
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21.03.09 |
Team7LIVES |
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20.03.09 |
The Unknown Warriors |
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07.03.09 |
The Eternal Warriors |
nice war |
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06.03.09 |
The Eternal Warriors |
nice war |
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02.03.09 |
Forever Reborn |
nice war |
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01.03.09 |
The Eternal Warriors |
nice war |
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27.02.09 |
nice war |
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24.02.09 |
Memory of |
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22.02.09 |
Team7LIVES |
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20.02.09 |
The Eternal Warriors |
nice war |
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17.02.09 |
E-Sport-Titanen |
nice war |
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15.02.09 |
In Memory of Instinct Gaming |
nice war |
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08.02.09 |
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31.01.09 |
PhaceIt eSports |
nice war |
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30.01.09 |
Delta Force Team |
nice war |
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28.01.09 |
Forever Reborn |
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27.01.09 |
Team7LIVES |
kurzfristige ncie War |
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25.01.09 |
Legend SWBF2 Alpha-Squad |
nice war |
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22.01.09 |
TactiX - SWBf II |
nice war |
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18.01.09 |
Aquila Gaming |
trotz \"nin\" bekommt ihr ++ ^^ |
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11.01.09 |
Team7LIVES |
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09.01.09 |
The Eternal Warriors |
nice war |
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04.01.09 |
The Unknown Warriors |
nice war |
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02.01.09 |
ChAoS-Clan-Elite |
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19.12.08 |
The Eternal Warriors |
nice war |
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30.11.08 |
The Eternal Warriors |
Packs... |
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07.11.08 |
The Eternal Warriors |
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28.10.08 |
E-Sport-Titanen |
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19.10.08 |
Memory of |
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18.10.08 |
The Eternal Warriors |
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28.09.08 |
In Memory of Force of Corruption Beta Squad |
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21.09.08 |
SWBF2 - BF |
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20.09.08 |
PhaceIt eSports |
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29.08.08 |
Force of Corruption |
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16.08.08 |
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15.08.08 |
Legend SWBF2 Alpha-Squad |
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10.08.08 |
Aquila Gaming |
lag neu definiert |
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09.08.08 |
Immortal Warriors |
really nice match |
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19.07.08 |
ChAoS-Clan-Elite |
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30.06.08 |
TheLionKing |
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17.06.08 |
ORdA of Xecutor |
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08.06.08 |
ChAoS-Clan-Elite |
nice War |
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07.06.08 |
Merciless Reign Multigaming |
Welcome to the 5on5+ Ladder! |
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06.06.08 |
PhaceIt eSports |
gg |
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01.06.08 |
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25.05.08 |
The Unknown Warriors |
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18.05.08 |
GenesisKnights The Best Clan |
von der Flamerrei abgesehen wars ein nice War |
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17.05.08 |
c U M B A C K |
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12.05.08 |
SWBF2 - BF |
nettes Team |
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05.04.08 |
GenesisKnights |
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22.03.08 |
ChAoS-Clan-Elite |
außer dem Server guter War, *gg* |
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09.03.08 |
eXtreme Battlers |
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08.03.08 |
The Eternal Warriors |
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01.03.08 |
GenesisKnights Delta Squad |
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24.02.08 |
Enten-Patrouille |
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24.02.08 |
Tha Bloody Angels |
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16.02.08 |
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15.02.08 |
Unknown Regions Sith |
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27.01.08 |
The new Republic |
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26.01.08 |
GenesisKnights The Best Clan |
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25.01.08 |
Unknown Regions Sith |
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19.01.08 |
The Eternal Warriors |
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20.12.07 |
Der Bro Code |
WinnerClan hatte auf der 1. Map 100 Tickets weniger, Durchschn. Wartezeit über 10 min. |
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16.12.07 |
SecReT.Gaming |
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15.12.07 |
Electric Gaming SWBF2 |
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02.12.07 |
TheLionKing - BetaSquad |
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01.12.07 |
The-Masterclan |
Nice War |
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30.11.07 |
eXtreme Battlers |
Nette Gegner / Fairer War |
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24.11.07 |
Force d'elite francaise |
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07.10.07 |
TheLionKing - BetaSquad |
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22.09.07 |
The Delta Force |
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02.09.07 |
Memory of Beta-Squad |
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18.08.07 |
ChAoS-Clan-Elite |
Danke, für eure Toleranz ;-) |
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22.06.07 |
GenesisKnights beta squad |
nice War, only the server was a little bad |
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15.06.07 |
The Cellar Clan |
Nette Leute, netter War :-) |
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03.06.07 |
The Cellar Clan |
nice War ^^ |
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02.06.07 |
PhaceIt eSports |
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27.05.07 |
Galactic_Squadron_Warrior |
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26.05.07 |
Ninja Elite Fighters |
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25.05.07 |
Spartans |
netter War, wenigstens als er endlich begonnen hatte :-) |
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20.05.07 |
German Zocker |
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12.05.07 |
Fear X-treme |
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06.05.07 |
The Delta Force |
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05.05.07 |
Tha Bloody Angels |
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30.04.07 |
Unknown Regions' Sith Xperiencing Squad |
this wasn\'t a nice war... / das war kein schöner war... |
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23.04.07 |
Ninja Elite Fighters |
wenige Gegner, aber netter War :-) |
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14.04.07 |
Spartans |
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12.04.07 |
DeltaTrooper |
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01.04.07 |
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24.03.07 |
Fear X-treme |
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17.03.07 |
Enten-Patrouille |
Trotz unserer Verspätung gabs keinen Stress^^ |
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11.03.07 |
Immortal Warriors SWBF2 Beta-Squad |
Schöner War nur der Server wollte nicht so ganz^^ |
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10.03.07 |
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04.03.07 |
DeltaTrooper |
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03.03.07 |
Tha Bloody Angels |
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24.02.07 |
The Unknown Warriors |
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17.02.07 |
Spartans |
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21.01.07 |
The Cellar Clan |
Fairer War |
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06.01.07 |
Aquila Gaming |
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10.12.06 |
ChAoS-Clan-Elite |
Sie sind nur zu 4 angetreten haben sich aber sehr gut geschlagen! |
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09.12.06 |
Unknown Regions' Sith |
Sie waren sehr gut! Wir waren aber schlecht drauf weil wir Server Probleme hatten! |
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02.12.06 |
Battleclan |
Sie haben sehr gut gespielt , mehr gibts nich zu sagen ! |
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11.11.06 |
Warriors of Darkness |
Sie haben gut gespielt und der War ging knapp aus ! |
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