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Counter-Strike Fight Club NightCup v143
created to rating comment match
12.01.11 MINLATE Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder
created to rating comment match
07.09.10 E-netgame Detail
18.08.10 NewYorkCity Detail
12.08.10 NJOY Detail
12.08.10 y000 Detail
09.08.10 La 13eme Legion Detail
09.08.10 5MATES Detail
05.08.10 werc.esidarap Detail
02.08.10 eLitasports Detail
21.07.10 myRevenge e.V. Detail
14.07.10 BimBim SpiriT Detail
06.07.10 lotusbloem Detail
05.07.10 Amnesia Detail
08.06.10 Team GiL Detail
07.06.10 La 13eme Legion Detail
04.06.10 Naturally! Detail
03.06.10 EU Detail
03.06.10 YEAHYEAH CLAN Detail
03.06.10 ADCREW! Detail
02.06.10 Ulteam.cs Detail
02.06.10 euphoria Detail
01.06.10 5face Detail
01.06.10 Naturally! Detail
31.05.10 UPro Detail
31.05.10 dIGITAL ESPORT Detail
30.05.10 netGraph Detail
30.05.10 dIGITAL ESPORT Detail
30.05.10 Phenix-gaming ladder Detail
29.05.10 Naturally! Detail
28.05.10 REDUCKZ LADDER CS1.6 Detail
27.05.10 aW.fr Detail
27.05.10 poney Detail
25.05.10 toY .ladder Detail
25.05.10 SANS P1TCH Detail
24.05.10 eLitasports Detail
24.05.10 1NFAME Detail
20.05.10 SUPERDUPONT Detail
20.05.10 Old school sKilled Detail
19.05.10 ntFun Detail
19.05.10 eLitasports Detail
19.05.10 REDUCKZ LADDER CS1.6 Detail
19.05.10 L-oO-K Detail
19.05.10 ntFun Detail
18.05.10 Skills Belgium Cs1.6 Detail
17.05.10 eLitasports Detail
17.05.10 The New Theory Detail
17.05.10 Old school sKilled Detail
16.05.10 indamiiiix Detail
16.05.10 Phenix-gaming ladder Detail
12.05.10 The New Theory Detail
12.05.10 eLitasports Detail
11.05.10 invent Detail
10.05.10 Mix2ouf community Detail
05.05.10 ADCREW! Detail
06.04.10 pNk Detail
05.04.10 dIGITAL ESPORT Detail
05.04.10 Once Again Detail
05.04.10 ADCREW! Detail

Counter-Strike Fight Club Nightcup V50
created to rating comment match
06.06.10 Mara Salvatrucha Detail

Counter-Strike Fight Club Nightcup V47
created to rating comment match
03.06.10 CRAMPONS AUX PIEDS Detail
03.06.10 cup.fivemates Detail
02.06.10 Naturally! Detail

Counter-Strike Fight Club Nightcupv45
created to rating comment match
30.05.10 useLess Detail
30.05.10 12pps Detail
29.05.10 BOTPARTY Detail
29.05.10 Mysterious-Gaming.cs Detail

Counter-Strike Fight Club Nightcup V44
created to rating comment match
27.05.10 ALLSTAR! Detail
26.05.10 Le retour au ladder ! Detail

Counter-Strike Fight Club Nightcupv43
created to rating comment match
25.05.10 SKOLPOJKARNA Detail
25.05.10 useLess Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Amateur Series Old
created to rating comment match
25.06.08 eXtensive! Detail
25.06.08 DIBIZED.EPS Detail
24.06.08 Rest Area Detail
22.06.08 y0Lestops Detail
18.06.08 Editer les infos personnelles Detail
18.06.08 2crak.gaming Detail
16.06.08 eXtreme-Gaming Detail
16.06.08 boost-up Detail
16.06.08 DIBIZED.EPS Detail
12.06.08 Rest Area Detail
11.06.08 made in Lyon Detail
02.06.08 GitaN Detail
02.06.08 reSurrection Detail
02.06.08 5. Detail
02.06.08 y0Lestops Detail
01.06.08 TOTALLY SPIES Detail
01.06.08 POV.EAS Detail
28.05.08 impuLsion Detail
27.05.08 CyberDIMENSION Detail

Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder
created to rating comment match
24.06.08 MOVEYOURSKILL Detail
22.06.08 GAMEPLAY Detail
18.06.08 Impgamers Detail
11.06.08 stand byyyyyy Detail
27.05.08 sheep-moi Detail
20.05.08 Pointofview! Detail
14.05.08 rageux.com CS Detail
14.05.08 NexT Detail
12.05.08 Hold Your Colour Detail
12.05.08 GAMEPLAY Detail
07.05.08 Pussy team Detail
06.05.08 juSt Us Baby Boy Detail
06.05.08 justAwin v2 Detail
05.05.08 ohLoL Detail
05.05.08 team noway Detail
05.05.08 Never Naze Detail
04.05.08 team-nocive Detail
04.05.08 5. Detail
04.05.08 boost-up Detail
03.05.08 Rumble Detail
01.05.08 FORplay Detail