Main Members (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (4) Rating History Rating HOLD PRUSKI 1525 back [ Ratings received ] [ Ratings submitted ] Counter-Strike 5on5 MR15 Ladder created to rating comment match 28.09.10 A jadles miki mausy? Detail 27.09.10 Gunslingers Detail 27.09.10 na galowo Detail 24.09.10 PAWIAN GEJMING 5/5 Detail 24.09.10 Gunslingers Detail 23.09.10 KLAN NA ESL Detail 23.09.10 EKIPA PETRUSA Detail 23.09.10 SILKA TEAM Detail 22.09.10 tim FOR FUN Detail 22.09.10 POLNOC CENTRUM POLUDNIE Detail 21.09.10 We Are Concrete .inactive Detail 21.09.10 AUTOKASKI Detail 20.09.10 MALY GLOD Detail 20.09.10 iN FLAMES Detail 20.09.10 ZNOM Z KOFEJKA Detail 20.09.10 Lekko Oblakani Detail 20.09.10 1337 BONKERS Detail 20.09.10 eliminacja cs Detail 20.09.10 SPOJRZ NAM W OCZY Detail 19.09.10 no to sru Detail 19.09.10 Walimy mefke Detail 19.09.10 MORDOWNIAFTW Detail 18.09.10 Bajzel Na Strychu Detail 18.09.10 Mixiorowy ESL Detail 18.09.10 RAZEM PONAD KILOO Detail 17.09.10 Walimy mefke Detail 17.09.10 VERY HARD SKILL Detail 16.09.10 LAPD.csgo Detail 15.09.10 NEDEJ POT Detail 15.09.10 swirsony Detail 14.09.10 NEDEJ POT Detail 14.09.10 SUPER STARS Detail 14.09.10 no to sru przeciwnik zrezygnował Detail 14.09.10 dobra Koniec Detail 13.09.10 BIZON ATTACK KU_WA Detail 13.09.10 VERY HARD SKILL Detail 13.09.10 dawaj Mario Detail 12.09.10 WZITY SOSITY Detail 12.09.10 USTKA.cs Detail 12.09.10 MALY GLOD Detail 11.09.10 1900090 Detail 11.09.10 Mafia Italia Detail 11.09.10 WZITY SOSITY Detail 11.09.10 PRIDE 5x5 Detail 11.09.10 518 Detail 10.09.10 P.LUS 3on3 Detail 09.09.10 Mafia Italia Detail 18.06.10 ALKOHOLIC.FG Detail 18.06.10 Gunslingers Detail 15.06.10 nie ma to tamto 5on5 Detail 15.06.10 rEBELIA Detail 15.06.10 cukiernia Detail 14.06.10 Gunslingers Detail 14.06.10 LAPD.csgo Detail 13.06.10 LOLECZKI Detail 13.06.10 cukiernia Detail 13.06.10 epojebani Detail 13.06.10 z11142141 Detail 13.06.10 zaklad Karny 5on5 Detail 11.06.10 EKYPA WPJERDOL Detail 10.06.10 MLODE WILKI Detail 10.06.10 PR1NCESS Detail 09.06.10 THE B@DGERS Detail 08.06.10 Like EREKTUS Detail 08.06.10 Team 3D Detail 08.06.10 Made of Stars Detail 07.06.10 tim zaÜBER Detail 07.06.10 BoomSlave Detail 06.06.10 DEERS mixofo Detail 06.06.10 nonNotus Detail 06.06.10 dobra Koniec Detail 06.06.10 Like EREKTUS Detail 06.06.10 TU TU TRI BULLETS!!! Detail 06.06.10 hajs on fire Detail 05.06.10 BoomSlave Detail 05.06.10 JANKI Detail 05.06.10 WZITY SOSITY Detail 05.06.10 the headuvers Detail 05.06.10 Szczelamy ENTEREM Detail 05.06.10 RAZEM PONAD KILO 5on5 Detail 05.06.10 Like EREKTUS Detail 04.06.10 LAPD.csgo Detail 04.06.10 Fenomenalnie Miotam Detail 04.06.10 FragPerSecond5on5 Detail 03.06.10 Podbijamy scene! Detail 03.06.10 gOwniX gaming Detail 03.06.10 SPOJRZ NAM W OCZY Detail 03.06.10 napierdalatorozordonowekuposze Detail 03.06.10 GANJA BOOGIE Detail 03.06.10 DEERS mixofo Detail 02.06.10 Made of Stars Detail 02.06.10 palymy whiterussian Detail 01.06.10 Clean & Easy Detail 01.06.10 DreamTeam Detail 01.06.10 no to sru Detail 01.06.10 Itchy Trigga Finga Nigga Detail 31.05.10 THE B@DGERS Detail 31.05.10 devisionNOOB Detail