Rating Zlatan or AFK

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League of Legends GoFr4LoL Cup #202 - 100 €
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21.08.12 TO BE ANNOUNCED Detail
21.08.12 Whatever Random Detail
21.08.12 redWave eSport Detail
20.08.12 FirstDream.LOL A Detail
20.08.12 eSprit GAMING Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL Cup #200
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18.08.12 TO BE ANNOUNCED Detail
17.08.12 Alt-Tab Gaming White Detail
17.08.12 Skitiryx Empire Detail
17.08.12 I like tree Detail
16.08.12 Truly Outrageous Detail
16.08.12 Troll A Max Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL Cup #199 - 100 €
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15.08.12 Alt-Tab Gaming White Detail
14.08.12 WORTH IT BRO Detail
14.08.12 We Got Carried! Detail
13.08.12 Beryl Detail
13.08.12 Arena League.Lol Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL Finale Juillet 2012
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30.07.12 Tang Freres Detail

League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #99 (Sun 22.07.12)
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22.07.12 Tqsun Detail
22.07.12 My Fanboys Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL Cup #188 - 100 €
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16.07.12 Arena League.Lol Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL Cup #187
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14.07.12 AVP Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL Cup #186
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13.07.12 JuSt SuCky Skillz Detail
13.07.12 Le Gaming Appart Detail
13.07.12 WeAreBehindYou Detail
12.07.12 Painful.LoL Detail
12.07.12 AlreadyL0st Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL Cup #185 - 100 €
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09.07.12 JuSt SuCky Skillz Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL Cup #183
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07.07.12 TO BE ANNOUNCED Detail
06.07.12 The Edge Detail
06.07.12 I dont get it.. Detail
06.07.12 slrkrpaktdmfzknpqtjkgfpozpnrf Detail
05.07.12 U kidding bro Detail
05.07.12 Olarys League of Legends Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL Cup #182 - 100 €
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03.07.12 Eminence-Gaming Detail
03.07.12 Early Fail Detail
03.07.12 No Need To Move Detail
02.07.12 Blood Legacy 2 Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL Cup #181
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02.07.12 MK IV Detail
01.07.12 GSU Gaming Esport Detail
01.07.12 InFamouS.OldSkool Detail
30.06.12 royalzZ Detail
30.06.12 Happy Birthday Detail
30.06.12 Captain Feeder Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL Finale Juin 2012
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27.06.12 Art Gaming CdH Detail
27.06.12 Krazy Users Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL Cup #179 - 100 €
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25.06.12 Crystal Tears Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL Cup #170 - 100 €
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05.06.12 GSU Gaming Detail
04.06.12 MIXCUPLOL Detail

League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #92 (Sun 03.06.12)
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03.06.12 We are unicorns Detail
03.06.12 Team f rollers Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL Cup #169
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02.06.12 The Edge Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL Cup #168
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02.06.12 Impact Gaming old Detail
01.06.12 WORTH IT BRO Detail
01.06.12 Ylluminatis Detail
31.05.12 Fr3nch Kill.LOL Detail
31.05.12 Kyrie Eleison Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL Cup #167 - 100 €
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28.05.12 WARZONE FC.css Detail

League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #91 (Sun 27.05.12)
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27.05.12 Throw The Game Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL Cup #166_annule
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24.05.12 KS-team Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL Cup #165 - 100 €
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21.05.12 Amazing Gaming.LoL Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL Cup #162 - 100 €
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14.05.12 Alt-Tab.Gaming Detail
14.05.12 Trust Zero Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL Cup #156 - 100 €
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30.04.12 Devils of Sparda Detail
30.04.12 Get Skill Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL Cup #155
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28.04.12 Throw The Game Detail
28.04.12 SunWay Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL Cup #148 - 100 €
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09.04.12 Nashor en Chaleur Detail
09.04.12 BiM HeadShoT Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL Cup #143 - 100€
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27.03.12 Throw The Game Detail
26.03.12 NorthEastSide Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL Cup #140 - 100€
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19.03.12 Holy Sense Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL Cup #134 - 100€
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05.03.12 HAUTEUR 8 Detail
05.03.12 FaR Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL Cup #130
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24.02.12 EFALL .Multigaming LOL:S Detail
24.02.12 DONT TOUCH MY BALLS Detail
23.02.12 French Made Detail
23.02.12 Fake Army Gaming Detail

League of Legends 5on5 Qualification EMS X
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20.02.12 Team Sypher Detail
20.02.12 Heaven Team Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL Cup #128
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19.02.12 Les gens d air Detail
18.02.12 Suck my Sweets Detail
18.02.12 Vietnamese Conquerors Detail
18.02.12 PCS Ultima Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL Cup #126
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13.02.12 Devils of Sparda Detail
13.02.12 Celestial Being Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL Cup #123
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06.02.12 Clevertop Detail
06.02.12 no-mouse Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL Cup #121
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03.02.12 Kookoo Cay Nous Detail
02.02.12 Every Sky Meets Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL Cup #119
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26.01.12 Devils of Sparda Detail
26.01.12 nonamerslol Detail
26.01.12 aNgels WingS Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL Cup #115
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16.01.12 Amazing Gaming.LoL Detail

League of Legends GoFr4LoL Cup #107
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26.12.11 Surrender Faust Detail