oSGZ All In One   id:  1995445
All the Team of Old School Gaming Zone Communauty (oSGZ) Since 2004

╔► Players ID :
╠► `oSGZ|Stu - SteamID : 0:0:4129588
╠► `oSGZ|Tekila - SteamID : 0:1:806989
╠► `oSGZ|Vodka - SteamID : 0:1:1153330
╠► `oSGZ|unlucky - SteamID : 0:1:5234454
╠► `oSGZ|Ms - SteamID : 0:0:3770492
╠► `oSGZ|Magic56 - SteamID : 0:1:5558863
╠► `oSGZ|hAb - SteamID : 0:0:5902848
╠► `oSGZ|Gunn' - SteamID : 0:1:5537598
╠► `oSGZ|eoL - SteamID : 0:1:541326
╠► `oSGZ|emp - SteamID : 0:0:14325484
╠► `oSGZ|cOucOu - SteamID : 0:1:12399250
╠► `oSGZ|Beuh - SteamID : 0:0:989427
╠► `oSGZ|Dioxyde - SteamID : 0:0:10348022
╠► `oSGZ|sOf - SteamID : 0:0:10509542

╔► Team Contact :
╠► `Website : http://www.osgz-team.eu
╠► `IRC : url[irc://us.quakenet.org:6667-6669/oSGZ][#oSGZ]url @ Quakenet
╚► `Contact : Tekila on MSN @ [email protected]

╔► War Details :
╠► `SourceTV/In Eyes Record : On
╠► `Aequitas : On
╚► `Say : GL & HF

╔► oSGZ Teams :
╠► `oSGZ Origins
╠► `oSGZ UniTed
╚► `oSGZ All In One
╚► `oSGZ Left for Dead