accelerate eSports   id:  4279246
accelerate eSports since 2009

► Status: Aktiv
► Games: Call of Duty 4 and Modern Warfare 2
Please contact us via xfire, before challanging us!

¬ acc | H23
¬ acc | ChrizZz<3
¬ acc | knx
¬ acc | RaZoR
¬ acc | Lucky Luke

¬ acc | lowrider
¬ acc | InSaNe
¬ acc | alive

¬ 1.Platz (Alpen Search & Destroy 3on3 Ladder)
¬ 1.Platz (Alpen Search & Destroy 2on2 Ladder
¬ 3.Platz (CoD4 SD 3on3 Sommer Cup)
¬ 7.Platz (CoD4 SD 3on3 Sommer-Cup #1)
¬ accelerate vs. TBH.MSI 13:11 (mp_crossfire)

accelerate 'cause we are faster than you!