The Elder Gods   id:  824150
TeG.wc3 was founded by EviscEratoR and Orly shortly after WarCraft 3 Reign of Chaos came out. We have acumulated plenty experience playing over the years in leagues like: CB OpenCup, MCL, TFL, NCL, AHL, WMC, BCL and in the qualifiers for the WC3L, several times. Our players have performed very well online and offline. WCG Romania 2003 1st, 2nd and 3rd places belonged to TeG members(Eviscerator, Orly, Dreamboy). WCG Romania 2004 1st, 3rd and 4th place also won by TeG members(BirD, Rushmeplz, Orly). PGL WC3 Finals tournament 1st, 2nd places won by TeG members (Kramer and BirD). The Intel Extreme Masters 2006 qualifier was also won and dominated by TeG members (Kramer, BirD, Rushmeplz). Our national team mainly consisting of TeG members also holds a positive record in the ENC tournament hosted by the ESL.