Contacts & Buddies
county  id: 3668690
Name Marcin 
Nick county
Member since 26/11/08
Age / Gender 30 Years / male
Nationality  Poland
Territory Poland
Main team Bimbaja SyDemona
Homepage --
Level & Awards
  6 Awards  
Counter-Strike: Source
Blub Game
League of Legends
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Show all game levels
Clubs  public
Recent matches
  League of Legends 1on1 Ladder
loss 5575560  -31 Friday, 08/04/11 13:36 1
loss 5766464  -22 Thursday, 07/04/11 14:10 2
loss 5795861  -26 Thursday, 07/04/11 10:14 2
win 5795640  +14 Thursday, 07/04/11 08:46 1
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