Contacts & Buddies
Krolik  id: 6631987
Name --
Nick Krolik
Member since 17/02/12
Age / Gender - / male
Nationality  Poland
Territory Poland
Main team Suiton
Homepage --
Spanie Expa ci nie da !
Level & Awards
  3 Awards  
League of Legends
Recent matches
  League of Legends EU Nordic & East 1on1 Old Ladder
win 6903543  +24 Saturday, 15/09/12 14:00
win 6990566  +26 Saturday, 08/09/12 14:00
loss EspiRituS  -19 Saturday, 01/09/12 14:00 1
win 6359398  +28 Saturday, 11/08/12 14:00 1
loss 6990566  -15 Saturday, 28/07/12 14:00
win SummerSound  +22 Saturday, 07/07/12 14:00
win 6850179  +20 Saturday, 23/06/12 14:00 0
win 3306715  +27 Saturday, 16/06/12 14:00 0
  PokerTH 1on1 King Poker Points Finał - Czerwiec
loss 4645238  0 Tuesday, 19/06/12 13:00 1
  PokerTH 1on1 King Poker Points #27
win myroon  +2 Saturday, 16/06/12 14:00 0
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