TheTukiTuki   id:  8964200
Name TheTukiTuki
Shorthandle T.T.T.
Registered since 08/03/15
Headquarters  Italy
  1  Awards  
aleale1  and  Dimi_n4p
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Latest matches
  War Rock Open Ladder 2on2 CQC Europe
wins   Not Even Good  + 3 Monday, 09/11/15 11:50 8
loss   One Vodka Please  + 2 Monday, 02/11/15 17:15 8
loss   Not the  -8 Thursday, 29/10/15 17:00 8
loss   Bubbles OP  -7 Friday, 18/09/15 16:30 8
loss   One Vodka Please  -4 Thursday, 17/09/15 17:45 12
loss   One Vodka Please  -7 Saturday, 12/09/15 17:30 8
wins   DO OR DO NOT THERE IS NO TRY  + 8 Friday, 11/09/15 18:15 9
loss   Play4Win  -5 Wednesday, 09/09/15 18:00 8
  War Rock 2on2 Only Desert Eagle #1 Europe
loss   One Vodka Please  0 Wednesday, 09/09/15 15:40 6
wins   (bye)  Wednesday, 09/09/15 15:00