marcel to moj syn  ezb  id:  9274341
Name marcel to moj syn
Shorthandle ezb
Registered since 28/07/15
Headquarters  Poland
  1  Awards  
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Latest matches
  CS:GO 5on5 Ticket Cologne Challenge Poland
loss   Benku Dylta  0 Tuesday, 28/07/15 17:00 3
wins   HiGH 5!  + 2 Tuesday, 28/07/15 16:00 4
wins   420 in 1 hit  + 2 Tuesday, 28/07/15 15:00 3
wins   Team BALISTIC  + 2 Tuesday, 28/07/15 14:00 3
wins   BackUP  + 2 Tuesday, 28/07/15 13:00 2