hard.fm  ♪♫♪ ❸  id:  3470156

Support us!

Thank you all for the donations coming in after the notification here. I would like to announce that all PayPal Donators who donate 10usd or more can now choose their preferred email:

* whatever @HARD.fm
* whatever @HARDER.fm
* whatever @JUMP.fm

I can only say; be fast about it! the good names fly out first. Send an email to email[at]hard[dot]fm to request an email address after you donated. Put in your username on the site, the email-address you used to donate with and or you want a forward address or a pop3 account. In case of forward let us know the address to forward it too. These addresses will not expire unless we quit, but fat chance that will happen.

Donate by Phone! - Donate with PayPal (preferred)