BelgiumBros   id:  9581748
Name BelgiumBros
Shorthandle BB
Registered since 20/11/15
Headquarters  Belgium
  1  Awards  
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Latest matches
  CS:GO Open Ladder 2on2 AIM Europe
loss   2v2 Legends  -19 Saturday, 23/01/16 17:14 1
loss   phoeniksakutyusom  -19 Saturday, 23/01/16 17:01 1
wins   1234 get with the wicked  + 26 Saturday, 23/01/16 16:41
loss   the circus  -2 Saturday, 23/01/16 16:24
wins   ziemlich aimschwach  + 31 Saturday, 23/01/16 16:09 1
wins   Kapteeni Kola  + 24 Saturday, 23/01/16 15:50 1
wins   Bleu Express  + 31 Wednesday, 20/01/16 11:29
loss   Register new Team  -18 Wednesday, 20/01/16 11:06 1
wins   chillen  + 24 Wednesday, 20/01/16 10:49
loss   hiwassup  -20 Friday, 08/01/16 14:04 1