Contacts & Buddies
Johannes 'nobodY' Haenning  id: 1184837
Name Johannes Haenning
Nick nobodY
Member since 28/03/05
Age / Gender - / male
Territory Germany
Main team in memory of
Homepage --
Boosted: Bash0r
BF2 - IdoA - LeVo - enCore
1.6 - niGh/Playground Avenue/myRuSh/ myRevenge e.V.
CSGO - Team Acore - inaktiv  more...  
Level & Awards
  2 Awards  
ICQ Games
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Counter-Strike: Source
Battlefield 2
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Clubs  public
Recent matches
  CS 1.6 Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
win 3671637  +12 Tuesday, 30/11/10 07:15 4
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