Love Is The Answer   id:  5337339
Name Love Is The Answer
Shorthandle LITA
Registered since 24/09/10
IRC  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Poland
Area/Region Poland
Pn-Pt / 18:00-23:00 3.50 ZŁ
So-Nie / 14:00-23:00 5.00 ZŁ

W dni wolne i święta wpierdolu nie dajemy .
  4  Awards  
IRC  (QuakeNet)
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Latest matches
  Counter-Strike Funmap 2on2 Ladder
wins   voltares omnis unda natiros  + 35 Tuesday, 15/02/11 09:45 6
loss   Haligany  -29 Tuesday, 15/02/11 09:25 9
loss   Integrity Gaming  -42 Monday, 14/02/11 16:45 12
wins   fearless  + 11 Monday, 14/02/11 16:25 6
wins   Bobiki  + 10 Sunday, 13/02/11 16:55 6
wins   POMPUJEMY LAPY  + 14 Sunday, 13/02/11 16:40 5
wins   PREZESI!  + 9 Sunday, 13/02/11 15:25 4
wins   TheWymiataczers  + 10 Thursday, 27/01/11 08:10 13
wins   Kropimy stopy  + 10 Thursday, 27/01/11 07:30 7
  Counter-Strike 2on2 MR15 Premium Cup - styczeń
loss   iSpeed  0 Friday, 04/02/11 15:00 13