in memory of boosix   id:  6120310
Name in memory of boosix
Shorthandle MUSTAGE
Registered since 07/08/11
Headquarters  Germany
0nCe - Vixgreif - eNcoRe - b1shop - JULIUS
  2  Awards  
Honorary member
korniii  and  Vixgreif
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Latest matches
  Counter-Strike: Source 5on5 MR15 Ladder
wins   aggrotuktuk  + 11 Monday, 03/10/11 11:29 3
loss   HALT STOP!  -17 Monday, 03/10/11 10:17 11
loss   AQUARIUS  -7 Friday, 30/09/11 10:37 9
loss   place2be.css piraten  -26 Monday, 26/09/11 15:27 6
loss   xxxxxx  -21 Monday, 26/09/11 14:12 7
wins   my S.Revo  + 12 Sunday, 25/09/11 15:17 7
wins   place2be.csgo  + 11 Sunday, 25/09/11 14:28 3
wins   Team Intelect7  + 5 Sunday, 25/09/11 11:21 3
loss   PITA ZE ROBERTO  -6 Friday, 23/09/11 12:49 6
wins   umballern  + 18 Monday, 19/09/11 12:22 5