inSulate   id:  6379253
Name inSulate
Shorthandle inS
Registered since 20/11/11
Headquarters  France
  1  Awards  
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Latest matches
  Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 5on5 WinterCup 2011
loss   uNLimited.AW  0 Wednesday, 15/02/12 15:00 27
loss   RSCA  0 Wednesday, 08/02/12 15:00 23
wins   call of dieeee  + 3 Wednesday, 01/02/12 15:00 0
wins   WolF.RiderS.OldSchool  + 3 Wednesday, 25/01/12 15:00 0
wins   To Be Annonced 5on5  + 3 Wednesday, 18/01/12 15:00 3
loss   dsffgw  0 Wednesday, 11/01/12 15:00 16
wins   StOrM-Revolution.MW3  + 3 Wednesday, 04/01/12 15:00 0
  Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 5on5 Opening Cup
loss   Team Mistral Cup  0 Friday, 02/12/11 15:00 20
loss   (bye)  Sunday, 27/11/11 15:00 0
  Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 5on5 Opening Cup-3
loss   diSPlay-Gaming.Staff  0 Monday, 21/11/11 15:00 0