w4sp e.V. old   id:  6686193
Name w4sp e.V. old
Shorthandle w4sp
Registered since 03/03/12
Homepage http://www.w4sp.de
IRC wild4sports  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Germany
  1  Awards  
IRC wild4sports  (QuakeNet)
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Latest matches
  Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 5on5 CM Storm Opening Cup
loss   Bomb-Sight  0 Sunday, 24/06/12 11:45 3
wins   DgL.staRs  + 2 Sunday, 24/06/12 10:35 7
wins   Flaming Fabulous  + 2 Sunday, 24/06/12 09:15 4
wins   Excess  + 2 Sunday, 24/06/12 08:00 0
  Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 5on5 Beta Ladder
loss   CLANPOLAND.CSGO  -20 Wednesday, 20/06/12 14:35 5
loss   CodeRed Gaming  -23 Sunday, 17/06/12 16:00 4
loss   Team Serverforge  -25 Thursday, 14/06/12 15:45 5
» Welcome ² w4sp – wild 4 sports
game up your mind - since 2006

» Kontakt
» Homepage: www.w4sp.de
» IRC: url[irc://de.quakenet.org:6667-6669/wild4sports][#wild4sports]url
» e-Mail: [email protected]

» Team
w4sp.StufF (Management)
w4sp.Deax (Management)

w4sp.LrN (Team-Captain)
w4sp.FROZEN (Orga)

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