Legion of Honour  Legends never die  id:  775045
Name Legion of Honour
Shorthandle LoH
Registered since 17/04/04
Homepage http://www.legion-honour.de
IRC #legion-honour  (QuakeNet)
Headquarters  Germany
  4  Awards  
IRC #legion-honour  (QuakeNet)
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- Legion of Honour -
Old Battlefield Vietnam Squad

» Information:

» Irc Channel: #legion-honour


» Team Status:

Rest in Peace


» Challenge:


» News:

Nothing new

» Lineup:

Team Captain:

» Thagor ....(GER)
» Kaner ....(GER)
» simon ....(GER)


» bOwl ....(GER)
» deathkiller ....(GER)
» d'NiRo ....(GER)
» edDie ....(GER)
» Faint ....(GER)
» Levis ....(GER)
» nem0r ....(GER)
» sledGe ....(GER)
» Lord_Raiden ....(GER)
» Streichi ....(GER)
» YoPIMPo ....(CH)


» Awards Online:

1.Platz LigaHQ: Häuserkampfturnier Juli2004 (www.ligahq.com)
1.Platz Liga HQ BFV Gesamt Tunier 2004 (www.ligahq.com)
1.Platz "eXe" Jubiläumstunier 2004
3.Platz Clanbase Open Cup Fall 2004 (www.clanbase.com)
2.Platz Battlefield Vietnam World Tournament 2005 (www.worldtournament.net)
1.Platz Battlefield Vietnam ESL Amateur Series 2005 (www.esl-europe.net)
1.Platz Clanbase Open Cup Spring 2005(www.clanbase.com)
1.Platz Battle Friends League BFV Revival Cup 2006

» Awards LAN:

1.Platz Slaughterhouse #12 Lan Oktober2004(www.mytsh.de)