All In Zeta   id:  8269554
Name All In Zeta
Shorthandle AllinZ
Registered since 02/03/14
Headquarters  Austria
  2  Awards  
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Latest matches
  League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #202 (Sun 13.07.14)
loss   season 5 players  0 Sunday, 13/07/14 10:15
wins   FLK.Hydra  + 2 Sunday, 13/07/14 09:15
wins   TeamMineTurtle  + 2 Sunday, 13/07/14 08:00
  League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #187 (Sun 30.03.14)
loss   Bromacia  0 Sunday, 30/03/14 09:15
wins   GermanGamingAzubis  + 2 Sunday, 30/03/14 08:00
  League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #186 (Sun 23.03.14)
loss   Get Teemo Get Fun  0 Sunday, 23/03/14 11:30
wins   Funny pandas  + 2 Sunday, 23/03/14 10:15
wins   (bye)  Sunday, 23/03/14 09:00
  League of Legends EU West Go4LoL Cup #183 (Sun 02.03.14)
loss   inovacio - Sparkling Lynx  0 Sunday, 02/03/14 09:15
wins   Away from keyboard - Squad 2  + 2 Sunday, 02/03/14 08:00