Bla Bla Rage Bla   id:  8470852
Name Bla Bla Rage Bla
Shorthandle bla.
Registered since 19/06/14
Headquarters  Germany
  1  Awards  
anN x3  and  Kolibri
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  Female Gaming Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Cups Ladies<3CSGO #43 (5on5 - Girls with Guns!)
loss   hiiiiiNa  0 Thursday, 19/06/14 17:00 7
loss   INTERNATIONAL MIXED GIRLS  0 Thursday, 19/06/14 16:00 1
wins   Queens!  + 2 Thursday, 19/06/14 15:00 1
wins   (bye)  Thursday, 19/06/14 14:00