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JK:JA Open Ladder 3on3+ Team Deathmatch Europe
created from rating comment match
07.01.11 FireBird Detail
21.09.10 insolent team Detail
20.09.10 FireBird Detail
05.09.10 insolent team Detail
20.06.10 Valley Of Jedi Detail
17.06.10 TuA - The TDM Team Detail
17.05.10 The Wankers Reunion Detail
08.05.10 Cannibal Corpse TDM Detail
02.05.10 United Nation Detail
26.04.10 The Wankers Reunion Detail
25.04.10 taCubA Detail
22.04.10 United Nation Detail
19.04.10 The Wankers Reunion Detail
18.04.10 Shyne's Crew Detail
13.04.10 UFO team.ja Detail
13.04.10 taCubA Detail
11.04.10 The Wankers Reunion Detail
11.04.10 high Quality 7eam Detail
10.04.10 Team-Solum Detail
04.04.10 Shyne's Crew Detail
29.03.10 The Wankers Reunion Detail
28.03.10 Shyne's Crew Detail
21.03.10 The Wankers Reunion Detail
14.03.10 duLux Detail
14.03.10 Anger Force Detail
14.03.10 Shyne's Crew Detail
13.03.10 The Wankers Reunion Detail
12.03.10 crow Gaming sympathetic team Detail
12.03.10 Rebirth - squad A Detail
01.03.10 duLux Detail
28.02.10 Anger Force johnny sucks tbfh Detail
27.02.10 The Wankers Reunion gg\'s! Detail
22.02.10 Rebirth - squad A Detail
20.02.10 The Wankers Reunion Detail
14.02.10 iLogic eSports.JKA Detail
11.02.10 The Wankers Reunion gg\'s m8\'s! Detail
31.01.10 The Unknown Angels - Squad 3 Detail
31.01.10 taCubA Detail
31.01.10 The Wankers Reunion gg\'s m8\'s! Expect a re soon Detail
20.01.10 The Wankers Reunion gg\'s m8s Detail
12.01.10 Soul Of The Ultimate Nation gg guys was fun Detail
11.01.10 duLux Detail
10.01.10 The Wankers Reunion gg m8\'s Detail
08.01.10 Stookie Gaming Detail
29.12.09 The Wankers Reunion Detail
28.12.09 Stookie Gaming Detail
20.12.09 40 seconds 2 die Detail
18.12.09 renamed123 GGrizzli Detail
16.12.09 The Unknown Angels - 2nd Squad Detail
15.12.09 Stookie Gaming Detail
13.12.09 eXtend JKA gf Detail
12.12.09 stRess .gAming Detail
12.12.09 aimneX - The Return Detail
06.12.09 The Unknown Angels - 2nd Squad Detail
06.12.09 Stookie Gaming Detail
02.12.09 stRess .gAming Detail
02.12.09 Heroic Division TDM Detail
30.11.09 Decent 7eam Detail
28.11.09 Lick The Click Detail
28.11.09 Valley Of Jedi - vJ Detail
28.11.09 Mit0s Detail
26.11.09 We are here to play! wp Detail
26.11.09 Lege/Vdary.TFFA Detail
19.11.09 Lege/Vdary.TFFA Detail
18.11.09 Heroic Division TDM Detail
15.11.09 Mit0s Detail
13.11.09 Axis Detail
13.11.09 wsnt Detail
10.11.09 stRess .gAming Detail
05.11.09 The Unknown Angels - Squad One Detail
05.11.09 Heroic Division TDM Detail
02.11.09 Stookie Gaming Detail
02.11.09 skillin killin illin! Detail
29.10.09 stRess .gAming Detail
25.10.09 crow Gaming nice team Detail
11.05.08 starAiming.JKA Detail
22.04.08 Alliance Of Knights IS INACTIVE great team great game Detail
17.04.08 eternity.tdm <3 Detail
13.04.08 aPerfectCircle Detail
06.04.08 starAiming.JKA Detail
02.04.08 TuA - The Unknown Angels Detail
25.03.08 Alliance Of Knights IS INACTIVE Detail
24.03.08 newSchool Detail
20.03.08 POWERPLAY JKA Detail
19.03.08 Joker Gaming Detail
21.02.08 Joker Gaming Detail
21.02.08 POWERPLAY JKA Detail
15.02.08 Vaxian Detail
13.02.08 xLr8 - TDM Detail
26.01.08 xLr8 - International Detail
17.01.08 apc tdm Detail
27.10.07 Apprentice Squad Detail
25.10.07 Amnesiac Detail
21.10.07 pAnda-gAming Detail
20.10.07 Silence .JKA gg Detail
17.10.07 apc tdm Detail

Jedi Knight:Jedi Academy Team Deathmatch TDM Weekend 2
created from rating comment match
28.08.10 Vincere aut Mori Detail

Jedi Knight:Jedi Academy Team Deathmatch TDM Weekend 1
created from rating comment match
13.08.10 eQualize - Summer Survivors. Detail