Herr Pes  id: 1894117
CPU AMD Phenom 4x 3,21
RAM 4 Gb
Videocard G-Force 460GTX
Storage 160 Gb
Motherboard MSI
Display Lg Flatron w2343t TFT 23"
OS Win7
Mouse Roccat Kone
Mousepad Razer Pro | solutions
Keyboard Logitech
Headphones Gamecom
Connection Dsl 16000
Sound system 5.1
Console(s) x box 360
Mobile Phone Iphone Junge
Drink IceTee JägerBull
Food Schnitzel Döner
Movie alle cs videos
Music Onkelz, J.B.O , Sytem of the Down,Tenacious D.
Song alles
Book frau-deutsch deutsch-frau
Book author mario bart
Car BMW M3 Bugatti
Sport fußball
Athlete Ich bin der Beste Sportler
Map de_nuke
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://wer-kennt-wen.de
Website 2 http://www.youtube.com
Website 3 http://facebook.com
Website 4 http://esl.eu