Felix 'kEy' Dietz  id: 445385
CPU Intel i5 3570k
RAM A-Data 16gb DDR3
Videocard sapphire 7870 OC
Soundcard onboard alc 892
Storage Samsung SSD 830 128GB + Samsung 2TB
Motherboard Asrock Z77 Pro3
Display Asus VE248H
OS W8 x64
CD/DVD LG DVD brenner (s-ata)
Mouse RAT 7
Mouse Skatez std
Mousepad Steel QCK heavy
Keyboard reclusa
Headphones senheiser pc 160
Connection Entertain Comfort Plus VDSL up10mbit / down50mbit
Wheel/Pedals in meinem auto !
Joypad Logitech
TV Flat 38"
Sound system Bausteine ;)
Console(s) Tekken 4 ever !!
Food pizza
Movie viele
Music verschieden
Song keinen bestimmten
Book wenige
Book author ....
Person (=
Car mini cooper s, cobra, mustang jaguar
Sport esport / motorsport
Athlete slycer / schumi
Map hauptsache geht rein
Clan less
Console die in cs ^^
Favourite Websites
Website 1 http://www.google.de
Alleinerziehender Papa (= when you go me of my nerven i put you in the gulli and do the deckel druff and you never come back to the tageslicht