Contacts & Buddies
LaDyInReD  id: 1895268
Name Melanie 
Nick LaDyInReD
Member since 17/06/06
Age / Gender 36 Years / female
Nationality  Germany
Territory Germany
Main team QUEENS 5on5 CoD4
Homepage --
Level & Awards
  9 Awards  
CoD4 MW (PC)
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Battlefield 4
Clubs  public
Recent matches
  Female Gaming Call of Duty 4 Cups #7
win 3521220  +2 Sunday, 14/08/11 12:15 3
loss Missy  0 Sunday, 14/08/11 11:30 2
win 3406958  +2 Sunday, 14/08/11 10:45 0
win 3873241  +2 Sunday, 14/08/11 10:00 2
  Female Gaming Call of Duty 4 Cups Female Gaming Call of Duty 4 #6
loss 5582915  0 Tuesday, 05/07/11 13:00 0
  Female Gaming Call of Duty 4 #5
loss 3915125  0 Sunday, 20/02/11 12:15 2
loss 3572386  0 Sunday, 20/02/11 11:30 4
win 5099764  +2 Sunday, 20/02/11 10:45 2
win (bye)  Sunday, 20/02/11 10:00 0
  Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder
loss 3740374  -5 Tuesday, 11/01/11 15:15 3
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