Contacts & Buddies
BliTz  id: 4985255
Name Kevin 
Nick BliTz
Member since 04/04/10
Age / Gender 33 Years / male
Nationality  United States
Territory Germany
Employer / University / School [x] [-] [-]
Main team VISA.NeverDeaD
Homepage --
Level & Awards
  16 Awards  
Clubs  public
Recent matches
  Germany Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 1on1 Herbst Snipe only Cup
loss 6278019  0 Sunday, 21/10/12 14:00
loss 5899048  0 Tuesday, 16/10/12 14:00
win 6995689  +2 Saturday, 06/10/12 14:00
win (bye)  Monday, 01/10/12 14:00
  Germany Call of Duty: MW3 (360) 1on1 Sommer S&D Cup
loss 4659574  0 Wednesday, 25/07/12 14:00 0
win 4886196  +2 Friday, 20/07/12 14:00 0
win Maximillion  +2 Sunday, 15/07/12 14:00 0
win 6822294  +2 Tuesday, 10/07/12 14:00 0
  Germany Call of Duty 4 (360) 1on1 Sommer Cup
loss ReeVz  0 Thursday, 19/07/12 14:00 0
loss 4432457  0 Saturday, 14/07/12 14:00 0
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