Contacts & Buddies
Hilaris  id: 6298271
Name --
Nick Hilaris
Member since 22/10/11
Age / Gender 29 Years / male
Nationality  Italy
Territory Italy
Main team In Memory of Illusion eSports .SF2
Homepage --
Level & Awards
  6 Awards  
War Rock
S.K.I.L.L. – Special Force 2
Recent matches
  War Rock Autumn League 2013 1on1 A-Ladder
draw Vyres  +10 Sunday, 06/10/13 05:20 6
loss 6298040  -19 Saturday, 05/10/13 17:35 4
win 7959724  +19 Wednesday, 02/10/13 12:30 3
win 5748230  +30 Tuesday, 01/10/13 10:15 5
win 5639856  +24 Tuesday, 01/10/13 10:00 5
loss Mr. INS  -20 Tuesday, 01/10/13 09:30 4
loss Vyres  -20 Sunday, 29/09/13 05:50 4
  War Rock Close Quarters Combat 1on1 Quick Ladder
loss Immenso  -11 Saturday, 07/09/13 08:00 4
win 7050975  +23 Monday, 02/09/13 15:00
win 6972879  +28 Monday, 26/08/13 15:00 6
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